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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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The Internet and World Wide Web have revolutionized access to information. Users now store information across multiple platforms from personal computers to smartphones and websites. As a consequence, data management concepts, methods and techniques are increasingly focused on distribution concerns. Now that information largely resides in the network, so do the tools that process this information. This book explains the foundations of XML with a focus on data distribution. It covers the many facets of distributed data management on the Web, such as description logics, that are already emerging in today's data integration applications and herald tomorrow's semantic Web. It also introduces the machinery used to manipulate the unprecedented amount of data collected on the Web. Several 'Putting into Practice' chapters describe detailed practical applications of the technologies and techniques. The book will serve as an introduction to the new, global, information systems for Web professionals and master's level courses.


'This book combines the unique strengths of the authors to create a beautiful coverage of the interplay between the underlying deep theory, practical algorithms, and software tools in use today for Web data management. It is destined to become the authoritative source for this topic for students and practitioners alike.'

Susan B. Davidson - University of Pennsylvania

'Web data management is a broad field, and this text manages to cover it all while tying the material together brilliantly, conveying them as a single field rather than just a collection of independent topics. It succeeds in explaining both theory and practice - a difficult task that you do not often see accomplished in any field of computer science. It is a unique book that fills a pressing need.'

Michael Benedikt - University of Oxford

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