2.1aEvolution of the sectoral structure of employment and GDP, 1960–97 (GGDC Release 2014, GDP at constant 2005 prices)
2.1bEvolution of the sectoral structure of employment and GDP, 1997–2018 (GGDC Release 2021, GDP at constant 2015 prices)
2.2Decomposition of the change in overall labour productivity into structural change and within-sector productivity effect, 1960–2018
2.A.1Full decomposition of overall labour productivity growth into structural change and within-sector productivity components, 1960–2018
5.A.1Evolution of mean monthly real earnings in the public and formal private sectors according to the SEE (2005–15) and the ILFS (2001–14)
7.1Current official costs of first-time registration of a government grant (in TZS)
8.A.1Impact of institutional weaknesses on key sector service performance indicators