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  • Cited by 3
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
October 2016
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Book description

Socially situated thought and behaviour are pervasive and vitally important in human society. The social brain has become a focus of study for researchers in the neurosciences, psychology, biology and other areas of behavioural science, and it is becoming increasingly clear that social behaviour is heavily dependent on shared representations. Any social activity, from a simple conversation to a well-drilled military exercise to an exquisitely perfected dance routine, involves information sharing between the brains of those involved. This volume comprises a collection of cutting-edge essays centred on the idea of shared representations, broadly defined. Featuring contributions from established world leaders in their fields and written in a simultaneously accessible and detailed style, this is an invaluable resource for established researchers and those who are new to the field.


'If you are to have one book on social cognitive neuroscience, this is it. The contributors have all made major contributions to the study of social cognition and here present, in a most engaging style, the latest work concerning the nature of shared representations. This book represents the most fruitful approach to the topic currently available.'

Chris Frith - University College London

'Understanding how the brains of two persons in interaction influence each other and represent the world around them is a thrilling challenge that neuroscience is currently tackling. This book will tell you everything you need to know about this topic, from the neural representation of simple motor actions to the human ability to learn by observing others.'

Gayannee Kedia - University of Graz, Austria

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