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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2017
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This unique resource explains the fundamental physics of semiconductor nanolasers, and provides detailed insights into their design, fabrication, characterization, and applications. Topics covered range from the theoretical treatment of the underlying physics of nanoscale phenomena, such as temperature dependent quantum effects and active medium selection, to practical design aspects, including the multi-physics cavity design that extends beyond pure electromagnetic consideration, thermal management and performance optimization, and nanoscale device fabrication and characterization techniques. The authors also discuss technological applications of semiconductor nanolasers in areas such as photonic integrated circuits and sensing. Providing a comprehensive overview of the field, detailed design and analysis procedures, a thorough investigation of important applications, and insights into future trends, this is essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and professionals in optoelectronics, applied photonics, physics, nanotechnology, and materials science.


'For many years, photonics has sought to emulate the enormous success of electronics in miniaturizing devices - specifically with the aim of creating photonic integrated circuits. Nanolasers are strong potential candidates for the role of optical source in photonic integrated circuits. This excellent book provides the first in-depth description of the challenges faced in creating such lasers … It is anticipated that this book will help accelerate the creation of photonic integrated circuits and sensors based on nanolasers.'

K. Alan Shore Source: Optics and Photonics News

'This introduction to the growing literature on nanolaser is self-contained, and sufficiently user-friendly. … Although not conceived as a textbook, parts of the monograph would be suitable for courses in photonics or quantum electronics. … The authors are experts in this topical area and also have produced a substantial body of collaborative work. That history may well be at the heart of the impressive thematic, conceptual, and editorial coherence of the text.'

Richard F. Haglund, Jr Source: MRS Bulletin

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