- Cited by 102
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Kozlovic, Anton Karl 2003. Technophobic Themes In Pre-1990 Computer Films. Science as Culture, Vol. 12, Issue. 3, p. 341.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 389.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 230.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 182.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 150.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 115.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 31.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 405.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 61.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 355.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 303.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 1.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 385.
2005. Dying Planet. p. 269.
Geraghty, Lincoln 2006. Love's Fantastic Voyage: Crossing Between Science Fiction and Romantic Comedy in Innerspace . Extrapolation, Vol. 47, Issue. 1, p. 123.
Robertson, Frances 2006. Science and Fiction: James Nasmyth's Photographic Images of the Moon. Victorian Studies, Vol. 48, Issue. 4, p. 595.
Goodlad, Lauren M. E. 2007. Goth. p. 89.
Nowak, Mark 2007. Goth. p. 171.
Butts, Angel M. 2007. Goth. p. 316.
Friedman, Jason K. 2007. Goth. p. 190.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- December 2009
- Print publication year:
- 2001
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511613159
- Series:
- Genres in American Cinema