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  • Cited by 35
  • Volume 1: Introduction and Cocycle Problem
  • Anatole Katok, Pennsylvania State University, Viorel Niţică, West Chester University, Pennsylvania
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
July 2011
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Book description

This self-contained monograph presents rigidity theory for a large class of dynamical systems, differentiable higher rank hyperbolic and partially hyperbolic actions. This first volume describes the subject in detail and develops the principal methods presently used in various aspects of the rigidity theory. Part I serves as an exposition and preparation, including a large collection of examples that are difficult to find in the existing literature. Part II focuses on cocycle rigidity, which serves as a model for rigidity phenomena as well as a useful tool for studying them. The book is an ideal reference for applied mathematicians and scientists working in dynamical systems and a useful introduction for graduate students interested in entering the field. Its wealth of examples also makes it excellent supplementary reading for any introductory course in dynamical systems.


"This very welcome addition to the literature is the first book-length introduction to the rigidity of higher rand abelian group actions."
David Michael Fisher for Mathematical Reviews

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