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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2012
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Book description

Filling a gap in the current literature, this book is the first entirely dedicated to high energy quantum chromodynamics (QCD) including parton saturation and the color glass condensate (CGC). It presents groundbreaking progress on the subject and describes many problems at the forefront of research, bringing postgraduate students, theorists and interested experimentalists up to date with the current state of research in this field. The material is presented in a pedagogical way, with numerous examples and exercises. Discussion ranges from the quasi-classical McLerran–Venugopalan model to the linear BFKL and nonlinear BK/JIMWLK small-x evolution equations. The authors adopt both a theoretical and an experimental outlook, and present the physics of strong interactions in a universal way, making it useful for physicists from various subcommunities of high energy and nuclear physics, and applicable to processes studied at all high energy accelerators around the world. A selection of color figures is available online at


"I have to say that the aim of the authors is abundantly reached. This book is well written and with enough material to grant a clear understanding of the matter to a graduate student. Both authors are well known in this field for a number of contributions. This book represents an excellent introduction to the study of QCD at high energy and could prove extremely useful for the researcher or the student aiming to start research in this area. It surely fills a gap in the literature which has occurred in recent years."
Marco Frasca, Mathematical Reviews

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