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  • Cited by 164
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2009
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Book description

This book describes the underlying ideas and modern developments of Regge theory, confronting the theory with quantum chromodynamics and a huge variety of experimental data. It covers forty years of research and provides a unique insight into the theory and its phenomenological development. The authors review experiments that suggest the existence of a soft pomeron, and give a detailed discussion of attempts at describing this through nonperturbative quantum chromodynamics. They suggest that a second, hard pomeron is responsible for the dramatic rise in energy observed in deep inelastic lepton scattering. The two-pomeron hypothesis is applied to a variety of interactions and is compared and contrasted with perturbative quantum chromodynamics, as well as with the dipole approach. This book will provide a valuable reference for experimental particle physicists all over the world. It is also suitable for graduate courses in particle physics, high-energy scattering, QCD and the standard model.


'The authors have considerable expertize and experience, which they particularly bring to bear when presenting their ideas on the use of non-perturbative techniques to study the pomeron. They are also the principal advocates of the idea that there may be two pomerons, with one pomeron dominant in soft interactions and the other dominant in hard interactions … such a well written and accessible book as this is most welcome. … high-energy processes. … provides an excellent introduction to the subject.'

Source: Cern Courier

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