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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2010
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Book description

Scott Ambler, award-winning author of Building Object Applications that Work, Process Patterns, and More Process Patterns, has revised his acclaimed first book, The Object Primer. Long prized in its original edition by both students and professionals as the best introduction to object-oriented technology, this book has all modeling notation rewritten in UML 2.0. All chapters have been revised to take advantage of Agile Modeling (AM), which is presented in the new chapter 2 along with other important modeling techniques. Review questions at the end of each chapter allow readers to test their newly acquired knowledge. In addition, the author takes time to reflect on the lessons learned over the past few years by discussing the proven benefits and drawbacks of the technology. This is the perfect book for any software development professional or student seeking an introduction to the concepts and terminology of object technology.


From reviews of the previous edition:‘… there are many developers who would like a gentle introduction to object-orientation, and this presentation of the new paradigm is very appealing.’

William Sheridan

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References and Recommended Reading
References and Recommended Reading
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Web-Based Resources
Agile Database Techniques:
Agile Modeling:
Enterprise Unified Process:
Modeling Style Guidelines:
The Process Patterns Resource Page:
Scott Ambler's Online Writings:


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