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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
November 2012
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The practice of swearing oaths was at the centre of the English Reformation. On the one hand, oaths were the medium through which the Henrician regime implemented its ideology and secured loyalty among the people. On the other, they were the tool by which the English people embraced, resisted and manipulated royal policy. Jonathan Michael Gray argues that since the Reformation was negotiated through oaths, their precise significance and function are central to understanding it fully. Oaths and the English Reformation sheds new light on the motivation of Henry VIII, the enforcement of and resistance to reform and the extent of popular participation and negotiation in the political process. Placing oaths at the heart of the narrative, this book argues that the English Reformation was determined as much by its method of implementation and response as it was by the theology or political theory it transmitted.


'… adds much detail, texture, and thoughtful analysis, and all students of the topic should welcome it.'

Peter Marshall Source: Sixteenth Century Journal

'This extremely well-researched and methodologically sophisticated monograph reminds us how central the use of oaths was in a society that had relatively few means of coercion available to it … an extremely successful transition from dissertation to monograph - a far-from-easy thing to accomplish nowadays, especially in the context of the ridiculous time pressure to publish that bedevils the university system. The reconstruction of the verbal mechanisms of Henrician coercion, which remind one, in fact, of the passive-aggressive but still really malicious workings of some of the both worst- and overregulated university departments, is a major addition to the literature on the 1530s.'

Michael Corrie Questier Source: Renaissance Quarterly

'The central thesis of this carefully written and precisely annotated book is that the primary accomplishment of the English Reformation is to be found in the texts of the many and varied oaths that were forced upon English citizens by the Crown at that time as well as in the measure of the resistance with which they were met. To know what the Reformation in that country was about at that period we need not turn primarily to an assessment of the cult of images at various shrines or to popular treatises or to the composition of new prayers or devotional manuals.'

J. Robert Wright Source: Anglican and Episcopal History

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Bodleian Library, Oxford

  • Ashmole MS 750. Fifteenth-century manuscripts, including a homily against covetousness and swearing.

  • Ashmole MS 1729. Historical miscellany, including a letter to Peter Ligham from Cranmer.

  • Rawlinson MS b 167. Miscellany, including transcriptions of ecclesiastical oaths by Richard Smith.

British Library

  • Additional Charter 12827. Oath of supremacy of the University of Cambridge from 1535.

  • Additional MS 4507. Collections of Thomas Madox, including later Henrician oaths of succession.

  • Additional MS 24202. Lollard tracts, including one against the episcopal oath of canonical obedience.

  • Additional MS 34319 Arundel's book of ordinances, including Stephan Gardiner's oath to the king.

  • Additional MS 38656. Subscriptions of the top clergy of England against papal authority.

  • Additional MS 39235. Wodehouse papers, including a later Henrician oath of supremacy.

  • Additional MS 48022. Robert Beale's manuscripts.

  • Cotton MS Cleopatra eiv. Papers relating to the monasteries in the reign of Henry VIII.

  • Cotton MS Cleopatra ev. Papers relating to the Reformation.

  • Cotton MS Cleopatra e vi. Papers relating to religious matters during the sixteenth century.

  • Cotton MS Otho c x. Documents from the reign of Henry VIII, including letters from Mary.

  • Cotton MS Vespasian c vii. Acta inter Angliam et Hispaniam.

  • Cotton MS Vespasian c xiv. Miscellany, including various oaths of office.

  • Harleian ms 160. Miscellany, including various oaths of office.

  • Harleian ms 283. Original letters, including a copy of Mary Tudor's submission.

  • Harleian ms 419. John Foxe's manuscripts.

  • Harleian MS 421. John Foxe's manuscripts.

  • Harleian MS 433. Official documents from the reigns of Edward V and Richard III, including oaths of office.

  • Harleian MS 785. Law miscellany, including various oaths of office and a coronation oath.

  • Harleian MS 2143. Abstracts of trials in the Star Chamber.

  • Harleian MS 6848. Ecclesiastical papers, including examinations of Elizabethan Separatists.

  • Harleian MS 6849. Parliamentary papers, including examinations and trials of Puritans and Separatists.

  • Harleian MS 6873. Miscellany, including various oaths of office.

  • Harleian MS 7041. Miscellany, including a copy of the oath of supremacy of the University of Cambridge.

  • Harleian MS 7042. Elizabethan documents, including examinations and trials of Puritans and Separatists.

  • Harleian MS 7571. Miscellany, including a copy of a commission to tender the oath of supremacy in Sussex.

  • Lansdowne MS 105. Miscellany, including an Elizabethan Parliamentary bill against vain swearing.

  • Lansdowne MS 155. Miscellany, including various oaths of office.

  • Lansdowne MS 389. John Foxe's manuscripts.

  • Lansdowne MS 621. Collection relating to the Court of Chancery, including various oaths of office.

  • Lansdowne MS 762. Miscellany, including various oaths of office.

  • Lansdowne MS 989. Bishop Kennett's collection, including an oath of supremacy of Corpus Christi College.

  • Royal MS 9 a xiv. Theological tracts, including various oaths of office.

Cambridge University Library

  • MS. gg. vi. Treatise on the court leet.

  • MS ii. i. 39. Thomas Wygenhale's Speculum iuratoris.

  • MS mm. i. 29. Commonplace book of Thomas Earl, minister of St Mildred's, Bread Street.

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

  • MS 106. Documents relating to the University of Cambridge.

Emmanuel College, Cambridge

  • MS 261 Letters of the martyrs and Robert Wisdom's revocation of his recantation.

Guildhall Library

  • MS 9531/10. Tunstall's Register.

  • MS 9531/11. Stokesley's Register.

  • MS 9531/12. Bonner's Register.

Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Vienna

  • Staatenabteilungen, England, Berichte, Kartons 5 and 7: Chapuys’ letters to Charles V, 1531–6.

Inner Temple Library

  • Petyt MS 538, vol. 47. Ecclesiastical documents, chiefly from the reign of Elizabeth I.

Kent History and Library Centre, Maidstone

  • drb/a/r/1/13, Microfilm z3. John Fisher's Register.

Lambeth Palace Library

  • Arundel's Register.

  • Cranmer's Register.

  • MS cm 51, #22 and #23. Tunstall's oaths of canonical obedience to his metropolitan and to the Pope.

  • Stafford's Register.

  • Warham's Register.

The National Archives, Kew

  • c54. Oaths of supremacy of friars.

  • c66/663. Henrician patent rolls.

  • c82/690, no. 2. Model form of a new bishop's oath to the king from 1534.

  • c254/179. Oaths of supremacy and office during Elizabeth's reign.

  • dl41/1182. Subscriptions to the oath of succession from Lancashire.

  • e25. Oaths of supremacy of clerical institutions and bishops.

  • e36. Exchequer: miscellaneous books.

  • sp1. State papers, domestic, Henry VIII.

  • sp2. Letters and papers, Henry VIII, folios, 1516–39.

  • sp6. Theological tracts of Henry VIII.

  • SP11. State papers, domestic, Mary I.

  • SP12. State papers, domestic, Elizabeth I.

Calendars of manuscripts

Brewer, J. S., R. H. Brodie, and James Gairdner, eds. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, Preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and Elsewhere. 2nd edn 1920. 21 vols. in 37. Reprint, Vaduz: Kraus Reprint, 1965.
Brown, Rawdon, G. Cavendish Bentinck, and H. F. Brown, eds. Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts, Relating to English Affairs, Existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice, and in Other Libraries of Northern Italy. London: Longman Green, 1864–1947.
Gayangos, Pascual, ed. Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers, relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain Preserved in the Archives at Simancas and Elsewhere. Vols. iv and v. London, 1879–88.
Gilson, J. P., ed. Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum in the Years MDCCCCXI-MDCCCCXV. London, 1925.

Early modern printed sources

Askew, Anne. The first examinacyon of Anne Askewe, latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the Romysh popes vpholders, with the Elucydacyon of Johan Bale. Wesel, 1546.
Askew, Anne. The lattre examinacyon of Anne Askewe, latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the wycked Synagoge of Antichrist, with the Elucydacyon of Johan Bale. Wesel, 1547.
Atterbury, Francis. The Rights, Powers, and Priviledges, of an English Convocation, Stated and Vindicated in Answer to a Late Book of Dr. Wake's, Entituled, The Authority of Christian Princes over their Ecclesiastical Synods asserted, &c. and to Several Other Pieces. London, 1700.
Bale, John. A Christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers. What a ryght & lawfull othe is: whan, and before whom, it owght to be. Item. The maner of sayinge grace, or geuynge thankes vnto God. Antwerp, 1543?
Bale, John. (ps. Johan Harryson) Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe. A dysclosynge or openynge of the Manne of synne, Contayned in the late Declaracyon of the Popes olde faythe made by Edmonde Bonner bysshopp of London. Wherby wyllyam Tolwyn was than newlye professed at paules crosse openlye into Antichristes Romyshe relygyon agayne by a new solempne othe of obedience, notwythstandynge the othe made to hys prynce afore to the contrarye. Antwerp, 1543.
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Bicknoll, Edmond. A Swoord agaynst Swearyng, conteining these principal poyntes. 1 That there is a lawful vse of an oth, contrary to the assertion of the Manichees and Anabaptistes. 2 Howe great a sinne it is to sweare falsly, vainely, rashly, or customably. 3 That common or vsual swearing leadeth vnto periurie. 4 Examples of Gods iuste and visyble punishment vpon blasphemers, periurers, and such as haue procured Gods wrath by cursyng and bannyng, whiche we call execration. 1579.
Carpenter, Alexander. Destructorium viciorum. Paris, 1521.
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