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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2016
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Law in Context

Book description

The diversity of interpretation within Islamic legal traditions can be challenging for those working within this field of study. Using a distinctly contextual approach, this book addresses such challenges by combining theoretical perspectives on Islamic law with insight into how local understandings impact on the application of law in Muslim daily life. Engaging with topics as diverse as Islamic constitutionalism, Islamic finance, human rights and internet fatawa, Shaheen Sardar Ali provides an invaluable resource for scholars, students and practitioners alike by exploring exactly what constitutes Islamic law in the contemporary world. Useful examples, case studies, a glossary of terms and the author's personal reflections accompany traditional academic critique, and together offer the reader a unique and discerning discussion of Islamic law in practice.


'Ali explores the operation of Islamic law in Muslim daily life, combining theoretical perspectives with investigation into how local understandings impact the application of law.'

Source: Law and Social Inquiry

‘Ali's Modern Challenges to Islamic Law is a substantial and original contribution to the study of Islamic law today … especially for readers with a relevant interest, reading Modern Challenges chapter by chapter or in full will be an enlightening and exciting experience that will hopefully be enjoyed by a wide range of experts and enrich discussions about the developments in Islamic normativity in modern times.’

Björn Bentlage Source: translated from Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam (Journal of Law and Islam)

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