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Conventions and Abbreviations

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  14 December 2023

Sophia Xenophontos
Aristotle University, Thessaloniki


Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2024
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References to Galen’s works consist of:

  1. (i) the title of the work (abbreviated or in full) followed by

  2. (ii) book and/or chapter numbers as per the traditional division (where applicable),

  3. (iii) page and line number of the most recent edition (if one is available) and/or

  4. (iv) the (corresponding) location in Kühn’s collected edition (where applicable; volume in Roman numerals, page and line in Arabic numerals)

Some examples:

PHP 9.7, 590.2-11 De Lacy = V.782.3-14 K. (=Kühn) refers to De Lacy’s edition of the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, Book 9, ch. 7, p. 590, ll. 2-11, which corresponds to volume V, p. 782, ll. 3-14 in Kühn’s edition.

Diff. Puls. 3, VIII.636.1-8 K. (=Kühn) refers to a section from ch. 3 of The Different Kinds of Pulse, covering ll. 1-8 on p. 636 in volume VIII of Kühn’s edition. The Different Kinds of Pulse has yet to be edited by any scholar other than Kühn.

Med. Exp. 9.2, 18.4-8 Walzer corresponds to ch. 9, paragraph 2 of Medical Experience, which extends from l. 4 to l. 8 of p. 18 in Walzer’s edition. Medical Experience is not included in Kühn.

Opt. Med. Cogn. 1, 47.11-12 Iskandar is a segment of section 1 to be found in ll. 11-12, p. 47 of Iskandar’s edition of the Arabic translation of Recognising the Best Physician. The original work does not survive in Greek.

The same referencing system is applied to Hippocratic texts and the works of other medical authors.

Throughout the book Galenic passages quoted from the original follow the most recent edition. Thus, where variant readings exist, these are taken from the latter, unless otherwise stated. Square brackets […] indicate deletions by the editor(s), whereas angle brackets <…> enclose letters or words added by the editor(s).

I cite proper names of ancient authors and their works according to LSJ (9th edition. Oxford, 1940; revised supplement, Oxford, 1996) and OCD (S. Hornblower, A. Spawforth, and E. Eidinow eds., The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th edition. Oxford, 2012). By convention, texts in the Hippocratic Corpus are referred to as being by [Hippocrates].

Transliteration of Greek terms follows the Library of Congress system: (last accessed: 31 January 2023).

The capitalised form ‘Chapter’ refers to a particular chapter of this book, whereas the uncapitalised form ‘chapter’ is reserved for sections of Galen’s or another author’s writings. In this book, ‘ethics’ and ‘morality’, ‘ethical’ and ‘moral’ are used interchangeably, reflecting the overall lack of modern consensus as to how these pairs should be compartmentalised. The same holds for ‘passions’, ‘emotions’ and less frequently ‘affections’ and ‘feelings’, which are also used indistinguishably as the English renderings for the Greek pathē (see e.g. Fitzgerald 2008: 2–5 and Singer 2021: 157, n. 6). I refrain from using the renderings ‘sentiment’ or ‘suffering’.

The following abbreviations are used to refer to modern reference works, editions or series:


Corpus Medicorum Graecorum. Berlin, 1908 – .


Diels, H. (ed.), Doxographi Graeci, Berlin, 1879.


Diels, H. and W. Kranz (eds.), Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th edition. Zurich, 1968–1970.


Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs, ed. P. Keyser and G. Irby-Massie. London-New York, 2008.


Liddell, H. G., R. Scott, and H. J. Jones (eds.), A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford, 1940. Revised Supplement, ed. P. G. W. Glare with the assistance of A. A. Thompson. Oxford, 1996.


Poetae Comici Graeci, 8 volumes, ed. R. Kassel and C. Austin. Berlin, 1983–2001.


Prosopographia Imperii Romani


Von Arnim, H. (ed.), Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1903–1924.


Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, 5 vols. (Göttingen, 1971–2004): vol. 1, Didascaliae tragicae, catalogi tragicorum minorum, ed. B. Snell (1971); vol. 2, Fragmenta adespota, testimonia, etc., ed. R. Kannicht and B. Snell (1981); vol. 3, Aeschylus, ed. S. Radt (1985); vol. 4, Sophocles, ed. S. Radt, 2nd edition (1999); vol. 5, Euripides, ed. R. Kannicht, 2nd edition in 2 parts (2004).

Abbreviations for editions of Galenic texts most frequently referred to:


V. Boudon (ed.), Galien, Exhortation à l’étude de la médecine. Paris: Belles Lettres, 2000.


A. Bazou (ed.), Γαληνοῦ Ὅτι ταῖς τοῦ σώματος κράσεσιν αἱ τῆς ψυχῆς δυνάμεις ἕπονται. Athens: Academy of Athens, 2011.


V. Boudon-Millot (ed.), ‘Un traité perdu de Galien miraculeusement retrouvé, le Sur l’inutilité de se chagriner: Texte grec et traduction française’, in V. Boudon-Millot, A. Guardasole and C. Magdelaine (eds.), La Science médicale antique: Nouveaux regards; études réunies en l’honneur de Jacques Jouanna. Paris: Beauchesne, 2007, 73123, at 87–102.


W. De Boer (ed.), Galeni De propriorum animi cuiuslibet affectuum dignotione et curatione; De animi cuiuslibet peccatorum dignotione et curatione; De atra bile. Leipzig and Berlin: in aedibus Teubneri [CMG V 4,1,1], 1937.


Ph. De Lacy (ed.), Galeni De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis. Berlin: Akademie Verlag [CMG V 4,1,2, vols. 3], 1978–1984.


A. Z. Iskandar (ed.), Galeni De optimo medico cognoscendo libelli versio Arabica. Berlin: Akademie Verlag [CMG Suppl. Or. IV], 1988.


K. G. Kühn, Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, 20 vols in 22. Leipzig: Carl Cnobloch, 1821–1833.


K. Koch (ed.), Galeni De sanitate tuenda. Berlin: in aedibus B. G. Teubner [CMG V 4,2], 1923.


P. Kraus (ed.), ‘Kitāb al-akhlāq li-Jālīnūs’, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts of the Egyptian University 5.1 (1939) 1-51.


É. Littré (ed.), Oeuvres complètes d’Hippocrate, 10 vols. Paris: J. B. Baillière, 1839–1861.


F. Marx (ed.), A. Cornelii Celsi quae supersunt. Leipzig et Berlin: in aedibus Teubneri [CML I], 1915.


V. Nutton (ed.), Galeni De praecognitione. Berlin: in aedibus Teubneri [CMG V 8,1], 1979.


I. Polemis and S. Xenophontos (eds.), Galen, On Avoiding Distress and On My Own Opinions. Edited by Ioannis Polemis and Sophia Xenophontos. Translated by Sophia Xenophontos. Berlin: Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes (151), 2023. [open access:; last accessed 23 August 2023].


E. Wenkebach and F. Pfaff (eds.), Galeni in Hippocratis sextum librum Epidemiarum commentaria I-VI. Berlin: in aedibus Academiae litterarum [CMG V 10,2,2], 1956.


  • All translations of Avoiding Distress cited throughout are my own. They come from PX above (freely accessible at:; last accessed 23 August 2023). Translations of Affections and Errors of the Soul, Character Traits and The Capacities of the Soul Follow the Mixtures of the Body are taken from Singer 2013. Those of the Exhortation to the Study of Medicine come from Singer 1997 with modifications; those of Prognosis are by Nutton 1979 sometimes with minor alterations. Translations of the other Galenic passages cited in this book follow, often with minor changes, the standard modern translations, unless otherwise indicated. The same goes for translations of all other ancient authors. For Galenic works that remain untranslated, the translations provided are mine.

Abbreviations of Galen’s works used in this book are provided below. A full list may be found in Singer (2013: 431–444) and in G. Fichtner’s Bibliography of the Galenic and pseudo-Galenic corpus, accessible through the CMG website (; last accessed 31 January 2023). Pseudo-Galenic or dubious works are enclosed in square brackets.

AbbreviationLatin TitleEnglish Title
AADe anatomicis administrationibusAnatomical Procedures
Αdv. Jul.Adversus JulianumAgainst Julian
Aff. Pecc. Dig.De propriorum animi cuiuslibet affectuum dignotione et curationeAffections and Errors of the Soul
Alim. Fac.De alimentorum facultatibusThe Capacities of Foodstuffs
Ars Med.Ars medicaThe Art of Medicine
Art. Sang.An in arteriis natura sanguis contineaturWhether Blood is Naturally Contained in the Arteries
Bon. Hab.De bono habituGood Condition
Bon. Mal. Suc.De bonis malisque sucisGood Humour and Bad Humour
CAMDe constitutione artis medicae ad PatrophilumThe Composition of the Art of Medicine, Addressed to Patrophilus
Caus. Symp.De symptomatum causisCauses of Symptoms
Comp. Med. Gen.De compositione medicamentorum per generaThe Composition of Drugs According to Kind
Comp. Med. Loc.De compositione medicamentorum secundum locosThe Composition of Drugs According to Places
CPDe causis procatarcticisAntecedent Causes
Cons.De consuetudinibusOn Habits
Cris.De crisibusOn Crises
Cur. Rat. Ven. Sect.De curandi ratione per venae sectionemTreatment by Bloodletting
De Mor.De moribusCharacter Traits
Di. Dec.De creticis diebusCritical Days
Dig. Puls.De dignoscendibus pulsibusDiagnosis by the Pulse
Diff. Feb.De febrium differentiisThe Different Kinds of Fever
Diff. Puls.De differentiis pulsuumThe Different Kinds of Pulse
Diff. Resp.De difficultate respirationisDifficulty in Breathing
Gloss.GlossariumGlossary of Hippocratic Terms
Hipp. Aph.In Hippocratis AphorismosCommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Aphorisms’
Hipp. Art.In Hippocratis De articulisCommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Joints’
Hipp. Elem.De elementis ex HippocrateThe Elements According to Hippocrates
Hipp. Epid. IIn Hippocratis epidemiarum librum ICommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Epidemics I’
Hipp. Epid. IIIIn Hippocratis epidemiarum librum IIICommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Epidemics III’
Hipp. Epid. IVIn Hippocratis epidemiarum librum IVCommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Epidemics IV’
Hipp. Epid. VIIn Hippocratis epidemiarum librum VICommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Epidemics VI’
Hipp. Progn.In Hippocratis prognosticumCommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Prognostic’
Hipp. Prorrh.In Hippocratis De praedictionibusCommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Prorrhetics’
[Hist. Phil.][Historia Philosophica][History of Philosophy]
HNHIn Hippocratis De natura hominisCommentary on Hippocrates’s ‘Nature of Man’
Ind.De indolentiaAvoiding Distress
Lib. Prop.De libris propriisOn My Own Books
Loc. Aff.De locis affectisAffected Places
MMDe methodo medendiTherapeutic Method
MMGAd Glauconem de methodo medendiTherapeutics to Glaucon
Med. Exp.De experientia medicaMedical Experience
Mot. Dub.De motibus dubiisOn Problematical Movements
Musc. Diss.De musculorum dissectioneThe Dissection of Muscles
Nat. Fac.De naturalibus facultatibusNatural Faculties
Opt. Doct.De optima doctrinaThe Best Method of Teaching
Opt. Med.Quod optimus medicus sit quoque philosophusThe Best Doctor is Also a Philosopher
Opt. Med. Cogn.De optimo medico cognoscendoRecognising the Best Physician
Opt. Sect.De optima sectaThe Best Sect
Ord. Lib. Prop.De ordine librorum propriorumThe Order of My Own Books
Part. Art. Med.De partibus artis medicativaeThe Parts of the Art of Medicine
Parv. Pil.De parvae pilae exercitioThe Exercise with the Small Ball
PHPDe placitis Hippocratis et PlatonisDoctrines of Hippocrates and Plato
Plen.De plenitudineFullness
Praen.De praecognitionePrognosis
Praes. Puls.De praesagitione ex pulsibusPrognosis by the Pulse
Prolaps.De humero iis modis prolapso quos Hippocratis non viditDislocations not Seen by Hippocrates
Prop. Plac.De propriis placitisMy Own Opinions
Protr.ProtrepticusExhortation to the Study of Medicine
Purg. Med. Fac.De purgantium medicamentorum facultateThe Capacity of Cleansing Drugs
QAMQuod animi mores corporis temperamenta sequunturThe Capacities of the Soul Depend on the Mixtures of the Body
San. Tu.De sanitate tuendaMatters of Health
Sem.De semineSemen
SMTDe simplicium medicamentorum ac facultatibusThe Capacities of Simple Drugs
Soph.De sophismatibus penes dictionemLinguistic Sophisms
Subf. Emp.Subfiguratio empiricaOutline of Empiricism
Temp.De temperamentisOn Mixtures
[Ther. Pis.][De Theriaca ad Pisonem][Theriac, To Piso]
Thras.Thrasybulus sive utrum medicinae sit an gymnasticae hygieneThrasybulus: Is Healthiness a Part of Medicine or of Gymnastics?
UPDe usu partiumThe Function of the Parts of the Body
Ven. Sect. Er. Rom.De venae sectione adversus Erasistrateos Romae degentesBloodletting, Against the Erasistrateans at Rome

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