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  • Cited by 47
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2016
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Book description

Written by leading experts, this self-contained text provides systematic coverage of LDPC codes and their construction techniques, unifying both algebraic- and graph-based approaches into a single theoretical framework (the superposition construction). An algebraic method for constructing protograph LDPC codes is described, and entirely new codes and techniques are presented. These include a new class of LDPC codes with doubly quasi-cyclic structure, as well as algebraic methods for constructing spatially and globally coupled LDPC codes. Authoritative, yet written using accessible language, this text is essential reading for electrical engineers, computer scientists and mathematicians working in communications and information theory.


'This book provides an in-depth survey of recently developed quasi-cyclic LDPC codes. It is a treasured reference on practical channel coding methods for both theorists and practitioners working in communications and information theory.'

Lara Dolecek - University of California, Los Angeles

'The importance of LDPC codes in numerous applications and their capacity-approaching performance has led to an explosion in research into their construction and analysis over the past decade. The numerous effective constructions of them can be broadly classified as algebraic and graphical, including the important superposition, protograph and spatial coupling techniques. This timely volume explains, unifies and greatly clarifies these diverse approaches and lays a solid foundation that will be invaluable to researchers, practitioners and students alike.'

Ian F. Blake - University of British Columbia, Vancouver

'A book from the leaders in the field of error-correcting codes. Superposition - a unified framework for low-density parity check code construction - makes a description of codes of various classes rather simple.'

Bane Vasic - University of Arizona, Tucson

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[116] Zhou, B., Kang, J., Tai, Y.Y., Lin, S., and Ding, Z. 2009. High performance non-binary quasi-cyclic LDPC codes on Euclidean geometries. IEEE Trans. Commun., 57(5), 1298–1311.


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