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  • Cited by 193
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2009
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Book description

Komatiites erupted billions of years ago as pulsating streams of white-hot lava. Their unusual chemical compositions and exceptionally high formation temperatures produced highly fluid lava that crystallized as spectacular layered flows. Investigation of the extreme conditions in which komatiites formed provides important evidence about the thermal and chemical evolution of the planet, and the nature of the Precambrian mantle. This monograph, written by three experts with long experience in the field, presents a complete account of the characteristics of komatiites including their volcanic structures, textures, mineralogy and chemical compositions. Models for their formation and eruption are evaluated (including the anhydrous vs. hydrous magmas controversy). A chapter is also devoted to the valuable nickel and copper ore deposits found in komatiites. Komatiite is a key reference for researchers and advanced students interested in petrology, Archaean geology, economic geology, and broader questions about the evolution of the Earth's crust and mantle.


'… highly readable and informative. Arndt occasionally allows a wry sense of humour to show through, which only makes the reading more enjoyable. … Arndt notes in the preface that he has attempted to provide a comprehensive account of komatiites while also producing a work that is brief and readable. He has succeeded. Komatiite deserves to be in the library of every university with a geology department and of any company working in Archean terranes.'

Derek A. Wyman - University of Sydney, Australia

'This book … will be critical for field and experimental petrologists and mining geologists and geophysicists. In this regard I highly recommend Komatiite.'

Source: The Leading Edge

'… this is a superb book. For decades to come, it will be the definitive work on these important rocks. Any department that teaches senior courses in igneous petrology must make certain this is in the library. This text will become part of the furniture of all decent undergraduate- and graduate-level programs in petrology. … I hope Cambridge University Press keep Arndt's 2008 Komatiite in print for decades to come, so that future librarians can simply buy a new copy when the old one falls apart: this is a classic.'

Source: The Canadian Mineralogist

'The handsome book that Nicholas Arndt dedicated to komatiites is particularly welcome because it fills a gap in the scientific literature. … The structure of the book is very clear. … Komatiite will no doubt occupy a place in the libraries of laboratories … and become a bedside book of a new generation of students for the decades to come.'

Source: Géochronique

'… describes komatiites and their geological settings in considerable detail; all komatiites that have ever been found and described to date appear to be included. … well illustrated …'

Source: Geological Magazine

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