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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
May 2012
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Since the advent of the nuclear reactor, thermal neutron scattering has proved a valuable tool for studying many properties of solids and liquids, and research workers are active in the field at reactor centres and universities throughout the world. This classic text provides the basic quantum theory of thermal neutron scattering and applies the concepts to scattering by crystals, liquids and magnetic systems. Other topics discussed are the relation of the scattering to correlation functions in the scattering system, the dynamical theory of scattering and polarisation analysis. No previous knowledge of the theory of thermal neutron scattering is assumed, but basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and solid state physics is required. The book is intended for experimenters rather than theoreticians, and the discussion is kept as informal as possible. A number of examples, with worked solutions, are included as an aid to the understanding of the text.


From previous editions:‘An excellent book for learning the basics of neutron scattering, which in the process teaches much about modern methods of quantum theory applied to condensed matter. Squires provides the simplest and most concise treatment of this material I have ever seen.'

Jerry Mayers - ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

‘… this is a theoretical book, welcome on the shelves of experimenters of thermal neutron scattering, and physics, chemistry and material science libraries in universities and research institutes.'

Hagai Shaked Source: Acta Crystallographic

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