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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Book description

This highly-regarded text provides a comprehensive introduction to modern particle physics. Extensively rewritten and updated, this 4th edition includes developments in elementary particle physics, as well as its connections with cosmology and astrophysics. As in previous editions, the balance between experiment and theory is continually emphasised. The stress is on the phenomenological approach and basic theoretical concepts rather than rigorous mathematical detail. Short descriptions are given of some of the key experiments in the field, and how they have influenced our thinking. Although most of the material is presented in the context of the Standard Model of quarks and leptons, the shortcomings of this model and new physics beyond its compass (such as supersymmetry, neutrino mass and oscillations, GUTs and superstrings) are also discussed. The text includes many problems and a detailed and annotated further reading list.


‘This edition represents a major rewrite, not just a set of updates. Welcome additions are lengthy chapters on ‘physics beyond the standard model’ and ‘particle physics and cosmology’ … it is about as up to date as can be expected in such a rapidly advancing area æ what sets this book apart from its competitors is that the author has both a very good knowledge of theory and understands experimental techniques and limitations far better than most. His intuitive understanding of the subject matter is very evident. I would predict that another generation of teachers and students will welcome this revised text. It is without a peer at this level. I would certainly use it …’.

Stuart Tovey Source: The Physicist

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