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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Book description

The Standard Model is the most comprehensive physical theory ever developed. This textbook conveys the basic elements of the Standard Model using elementary concepts, without the theoretical rigor found in most other texts on this subject. It contains examples of basic experiments, allowing readers to see how measurements and theory interplay in the development of physics. The author examines leptons, hadrons and quarks, before presenting the dynamics and the surprising properties of the charges of the different forces. The textbook concludes with a brief discussion on the discoveries of physics beyond the Standard Model, and its connections with cosmology. Quantitative examples are given, and the reader is guided through the necessary calculations. Each chapter ends in the exercises, and solutions to some problems are included in the book. Complete solutions are available to instructors at


Review of the hardback:'There are many gems within these pages … The author has managed to bring out the importance of experiment in the field, and to explain both the reasoning and the difficulties behind these experiments, but does not get bogged down in minutiae. We are left with an excellent introduction to the thinking behind modern quantum field theory.'

Dr Todd Huffman - University of Oxford

Review of the hardback:'He has a talent to render complicated things as simple and clear as possible. His phrasing is very agreeable and effective. … Bettini provides the reader with a deep insight of the main steps which have brought to the present formulation of the Standard Model, with its essential ingredients, its limits and open questions. His description is fluent and appealing.'

Source: Il Nuovo Saggiatore

Review of the hardback:'… provides (postgraduate and advanced undergraduate) students with an admirably clear account of the Standard Model. … The prose is consistently fluent and interesting, the author's knowledge up-to-date and detailed and the explanations admirably lucid. … excellent book …'

Source: Contemporary Physics

Review of the hardback:'This book was a welcome sight to many of us 'youngsters' because it contained a wealth of concentrated information so valuable to the budding experimentalist. … Bettini's expertise shines brightly throughout the text. … The choice of topics and the level of detail are excellent … The book is extremely well-written, topically informative and easy to read - but best of all it is full of physics. … I enjoyed Bettini's book three times - not unlike a fine wine: the first time when admiring its contents; the second when reading it; and a third time when teaching from it. Bravo Sandro!'

James W. Rohlf Source: CERN Courier

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