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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2009
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Group Theory is an indispensable mathematical tool in many branches of chemistry and physics. This book provides a self-contained and rigorous account on the fundamentals and applications of the subject to chemical physics, assuming no prior knowledge of group theory. The first half of the book focuses on elementary topics, such as molecular and crystal symmetry, whilst the latter half is more advanced in nature. Discussions on more complex material such as space groups, projective representations, magnetic crystals and spinor bases, often omitted from introductory texts, are expertly dealt with. With the inclusion of numerous exercises and worked examples, this book will appeal to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students studying physical sciences and is an ideal text for use on a two-semester course.


“The mathematical development is clear and concise, and examples interspersed throughout clearly illustrate the different principles considered. For practicing chemists or physicists with previous exposure to group theory, this book is indispensable. As a primary resource for special-topics graduate courses, this book would be outstanding.”

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