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  • Cited by 217
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
July 2010
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Book description

Coding theory is concerned with successfully transmitting data through a noisy channel and correcting errors in corrupted messages. It is of central importance for many applications in computer science or engineering. This book gives a comprehensive introduction to coding theory whilst only assuming basic linear algebra. It contains a detailed and rigorous introduction to the theory of block codes and moves on to more advanced topics like BCH codes, Goppa codes and Sudan's algorithm for list decoding. The issues of bounds and decoding, essential to the design of good codes, features prominently. The authors of this book have, for several years, successfully taught a course on coding theory to students at the National University of Singapore. This book is based on their experiences and provides a thoroughly modern introduction to the subject. There are numerous examples and exercises, some of which introduce students to novel or more advanced material.


"This book is well written and highly recommended for students and professionals in engineering, computer science, mathematics and related fields." Mathematical Reviews

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