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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Book description

As with the first edition, this textbook provides a clear introduction to the fundamental theory of structural analysis as applied to vehicular structures such as aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles and ships. The emphasis is on the application of fundamental concepts of structural analysis that are employed in everyday engineering practice. All approximations are accompanied by a full explanation of their validity. In this new edition, more topics, figures, examples and exercises have been added. There is also a greater emphasis on the finite element method of analysis. Clarity remains the hallmark of this text and it employs three strategies to achieve clarity of presentation: essential introductory topics are covered, all approximations are fully explained and many important concepts are repeated.


Review of the hardback:'Although the approach is classical, what makes this book different is the extensive and thorough treatment with hundreds of examples, questions and answers. No other textbook offers such a treatment … The extensive treatment and very large number of examples is welcomed. Cambridge University Press is to be congratulated on producing a quality product for [a] reasonable price …'

G. A. O. Davies - Imperial College London

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