Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Rules for Transcription
- Abbreviations in Common Use
- The Assessment of Knight Service in Bedfordshire: No. II.
- St. John of Southill
- Some Saxon Charters
- A Late Example of A Deodand
- Domesday Notes : II. Kenemondwick.
- The Hillersdens of Elstow
- Grant of Free Warren to Newnham Priory
- Cutenho, Farley Hospital, and Kurigge.
- Munitions In 1224
- The Becher Family of Howbury
- Yttingaford and the Tenth-Century Bounds of Chalgrave and Linslade
- The Paper Register of St. Mary’S Church in Bedford, 1539-1558
- Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem. No. I.
- Notes and Queries
- Index
- Miscellaneous Endmatter
Grant of Free Warren to Newnham Priory
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 July 2023
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Rules for Transcription
- Abbreviations in Common Use
- The Assessment of Knight Service in Bedfordshire: No. II.
- St. John of Southill
- Some Saxon Charters
- A Late Example of A Deodand
- Domesday Notes : II. Kenemondwick.
- The Hillersdens of Elstow
- Grant of Free Warren to Newnham Priory
- Cutenho, Farley Hospital, and Kurigge.
- Munitions In 1224
- The Becher Family of Howbury
- Yttingaford and the Tenth-Century Bounds of Chalgrave and Linslade
- The Paper Register of St. Mary’S Church in Bedford, 1539-1558
- Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem. No. I.
- Notes and Queries
- Index
- Miscellaneous Endmatter
The writer has had an opportunity of copying and translating an interesting document which is in Mr. W. Glassby’s (Renhold) private collection of manuscripts. It proves to be a grant of Free Warren to Newenham Priory by Richard II. and is dated 20 November, 1385. The writing is in good black ink, and is as legible as the day it was written. Apparently nothing is known of the history of the deed, but we may assume that it was in the possession of Newenham Priory before the dissolution. In this connection it is interesting to recall that Mr. Glassby read a paper some time ago, before the Bedford Archaeological Society, on “ Bedford Town and Townsmen in 1507,” founded on notes from the “ Rent Roll of Newenham Priory,” which was also in his collection of documents.
Ricardus dei gracia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Prioribus Ducibus Comitibus Baronibus Justiciariis Vicecomitibus Prepositis Ministris et omnibus Balliuis et fidelibus suis salutem Sciatis nos de gratia nostra speciali concessisse et hac carta nostra confirm asse dilectis nostris in Cristo Priori et Conuentui de Newenham quod ipsi et eorum successores imperpetuum habeant liberam warrennam in omnibus dominicis terris suis in Newenham Bedeford Ronhale Rauenesden Bereford Goldington Wiliton Sharnebroke Stotfold Stachesden Wotton Bidenham Kirdington et in Cotes Dumtamen terre ille non sint infra metas foreste nostre Ita quod nullus intret terras illas ad fugandum in eis uel ad aliquid rapiendum quod ad warrennam pertineat sine licentia et uoluntate dictorum Prioris et Conuentus uel successorum suorum super forisfacturam nostram decern librarum Quare uolumus et firmiter precipimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quod iidem Prior et Conuentus et successors sui predicti habeant liberam warrennam in omnibus dominicis terris suis predictis Dumtamen terre ille non sint infra metas [foreste] nostre Ita quod nullus intret terras illas ad fugandum in eis uel ad aliquid rapiendum quod ad Warrennam pertineat sine licencia et uoluntate eorundem Prioris et Conuentus uel successorum suorum predictorum super forisfacturam nostram decern librarum sicut predictum est Hiis Testibus. Venerabilibus patribus W[illelmo] Archiepiscopo Cantuar’ tocius Anglie Primate A[lexandro].
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023