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Published online by Cambridge University Press:  23 November 2009

Rudolph Peters
Universiteit van Amsterdam
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Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law
Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century
, pp. 197 - 207
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2006

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  • Bibliography
  • Rudolph Peters, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Book: Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law
  • Online publication: 23 November 2009
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Bibliography
  • Rudolph Peters, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Book: Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law
  • Online publication: 23 November 2009
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Bibliography
  • Rudolph Peters, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Book: Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law
  • Online publication: 23 November 2009
  • Chapter DOI:
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