Cambridge Core Share is the sharing service from Cambridge University Press.
Built with our users’ needs in mind, Cambridge Core Share is a tool that enables authors and readers to easily generate a link to an online, read-only journal article. This link can be freely shared on social media sites and scholarly collaboration networks to enhance both the impact and discoverability of research.
Cambridge Core Share is our solution for journal content to be shared quickly, easily and responsibly. Built and developed in-house, there are now over 300 journals benefiting from Cambridge Core Share.
Cambridge Core Share allows authors, readers and institutional subscribers to generate a URL for an online version of a journal article. The link can simply be copied to clipboard, embedded directly into an email or a shareable PDF can be created housing the link and the title information about the article. Anyone who clicks on this link will be able to view a read-only, up-to-date copy of the published journal article.
For more information:
Read our policy on social sharing
Read our Cambridge Core Share FAQs
Cambridge Core Share allows authors, readers and institutional subscribers to generate a URL for an online version of a journal article. The link can simply be copied to clipboard, embedded directly into an email or a shareable PDF can be created housing the link and the title information about the article. Anyone who clicks on this link will be able to view a read-only, up-to-date copy of the published journal article.
For more information:
Read our policy on social sharing
Read our Cambridge Core Share FAQs
Cambridge Core Share is our solution for journal content to be shared quickly, easily and responsibly.
Find the article you wish to share (you must have access to the article yourself) click on the “Share content” icon. You have three options: copy the link to share; share via email to generate an email; or share in pdf (to create a pdf with an embedded link).
Core share grants access to the html (online) version of the article.