The construction of a spectral cocycle from the case of one-dimensional substitution flows [A. I. Bufetov and B. Solomyak. A spectral cocycle for substitution systems and translation flows. J. Anal. Math. 141(1) (2020), 165–205] is extended to the setting of pseudo-self-similar tilings in
${\mathbb R}^d$, allowing expanding similarities with rotations. The pointwise upper Lyapunov exponent of this cocycle is used to bound the local dimension of spectral measures of deformed tilings. The deformations are considered, following the work of Treviño [Quantitative weak mixing for random substitution tilings. Israel J. Math., to appear], in the simpler, non-random setting. We review some of the results of Treviño in this special case and illustrate them on concrete examples.