All the known non-self-referential paradoxes share a reference pattern of Yablo’s paradox in that they all necessarily contain infinitely many sentences, each of which refers to infinitely many sentences. This raises a question: Does the reference pattern of Yablo’s paradox underlie all non-self-referential paradoxes, just as the reference pattern of the liar paradox underlies all finite paradoxes? In this regard, Rabern et al. [J Philos Logic 42(5): 727–765, 2013] prove that every dangerous acyclic digraph contains infinitely many points with an infinite out-degree. Building upon their work, this paper extends Rabern et al.’s result to the first-order arithmetic language with a primitive truth predicate, proving that all reference digraphs for non-self-referential paradoxes contain infinitely many sentences of infinite out-degree (called “social sentences”). We then strengthen this result in two respects. First, among these social sentences, infinitely many appear in one ray. Second, among these social sentences, infinitely many have infinitely many out-neighbors, none of which will eventually get to a sink. These observations provide helpful information towards the following conjecture proposed by Beringer and Schindler [Bull. of Symb. Logic 23(4): 442–492, 2017]: every dangerous acyclic digraph contains the Yablo digraph as a finitary minor.