Consider an autoregressive model with measurement error: we observe Zi =Xi +εi, where theunobserved Xi is a stationarysolution of the autoregressive equation Xi =gθ0(Xi− 1) + ξi. Theregression function gθ0 isknown up to a finite dimensional parameter θ0 to be estimated. The distributions ofξ1 and X0 are unknownand gθ belongs to a largeclass of parametric regression functions. The distribution of ε0 is completelyknown. We propose an estimation procedure with a new criterion computed as the Fouriertransform of a weighted least square contrast. This procedure provides an asymptoticallynormal estimator \hbox{$\hat \theta$}
θ̂ of θ0, for a large class of regressionfunctions and various noise distributions.