Group II introns are self-splicing RNAs that also act as
retroelements in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Group
II introns were identified in Escherichia coli in 1994,
but have not been characterized since, and, instead, other
bacterial group II introns have been studied for splicing and
mobility properties. Despite their apparent intractability,
at least five distinct group II introns exist naturally in E.
coli strains. To illuminate their function and learn how
the introns have dispersed in their natural host, we have
investigated their distribution in the ECOR reference collection.
Two introns were cloned and sequenced to complete their partial
sequences. Unexpectedly, southern blots showed all ECOR strains
to contain fragments and/or full-length copies of group II introns,
with some strains containing up to 15 intron copies. One intron,
E.c.I4, has two natural homing sites in IS629
and IS911 elements, and the intron can be present in
one, both, or neither homing site in a given strain. Nearly
all strains that contain full-length introns also contain unfilled
homing sites, suggesting either that mobility is highly inefficient
or that most full-length copies are nonfunctional. The data
indicate independent mobility of the introns, as well as mobility
via the host DNA elements, and overall, the pattern of intron
distribution resembles that of IS elements.