We prove some conditions for higher-dimensional algebraic fibering of pro-p group extensions, and we establish corollaries about incoherence of pro-p groups. In particular, if
$1 \to K \to G \to \Gamma \to 1$ is a short exact sequence of pro-p groups, such that
$\Gamma $ contains a finitely generated, non-abelian, free pro-p subgroup, K a finitely presented pro-p group with N a normal pro-p subgroup of K such that
$K/ N \simeq \mathbb {Z}_p$ and N not finitely generated as a pro-p group, then G is incoherent (in the category of pro-p groups). Furthermore, we show that if K is a finitely generated, free pro-p group with
$d(K) \geq 2$, then either
$\mathrm{Aut}_0(K)$ is incoherent (in the category of pro-p groups) or there is a finitely presented pro-p group, without non-procyclic free pro-p subgroups, that has a metabelian pro-p quotient that is not finitely presented, i.e., a pro-p version of a result of Bieri–Strebel does not hold.