Field trials were conducted in 1986 and 1987 to determine the effects of moisture on cinmethylin activity. The herbicide was applied preemergence at rates of 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 kg ai ha−1 to both dry and moist sandy loam soil, followed by varying irrigation regimes. Plant species used in the study included soybean, snap bean, cotton, peanut, and cucumber. Peanut was the most tolerant to cinmethylin, followed by cotton, soybean, snap bean, and cucumber. When cinmethylin was applied to a moist soil, less crop injury resulted than when it was applied to a dry soil. If 7.6 cm of water was applied shortly after cinmethylin application to a dry soil, severe crop injury occurred. When 2.5 cm of irrigation was applied within 8 h or at 5 days after cinmethylin application to a dry soil, crop injury was reduced when compared to applying 7.6 cm irrigation.