Greenhouse, growth chamber, and field studies were conducted at Stoneville, MS, in 2000 to 2008, to determine the growth rate, reproductive and overwintering potential, and control of deeproot sedge. In growth chamber studies, deeproot sedge growth rate (ht) and plant dry wt were greatest at 25/35 C (night/day temperatures), when compared with regimes of 5/15, 15/25, and 20/30 C. Based on the average number of scales (fruiting sites per spikelet), spikelets per inflorescence, and culms per plant, deeproot sedge reproductive potential was 2.6-, 6.2-, and 17.4-fold greater than Surinam, green, and knob sedges, respectively. A single deeproot sedge plant produced an average of 85,500 achenes annually. Mowing at 15-cm ht weekly prevented achene production but did not kill deeproot sedge plants. The average number of inflorescences produced on mowed plants was 1.2 to 4 times greater in 2- and 1-yr-old deeproot sedge plants, respectively, when compared with unmowed plants. Mature deeproot sedge achenes were produced between monthly mowings. In a 3-yr field study, glyphosate, glufosinate, hexazinone, and MSMA provided more than 85% control of deeproot sedge, and above the soil, live deeproot sedge plant dry wt was reduced by 50, 64, 68, 72, 86, and 93% by dicamba, halosulfuron-methyl, MSMA, hexazinone, glufosinate, and glyphosate, respectively. All (100%) deeproot sedge plants 1 yr old or older overwintered at Stoneville, MS, at 33°N latitude.