Field studies were conducted for 3 yr to evaluate the persistence of metolachlor and alachlor applied to ‘Centennial’ soybean and to determine their residual effect on ‘Mars' rice. At labeled use rates of metolachlor at 2.8 kg ai/ha and alachlor at 3.9 kg ai/ha, soil residue levels in the fall 5 months after application on Crowley and Midland silt loam soils averaged 0.04 and 0.05 ppmw, respectively. Metolachlor fall soil residues averaged 3.5 times higher when applied at 5.6 and 11.2 kg/ha compared to 2.8 kg/ha, but residues for labeled and double rates of alachlor were similar. In the spring 9 months after herbicide application, soil residues averaged over years did not exceed 0.06 ppmw. The 3-yr rice yields were not affected by residual metolachlor or alachlor.