Two new solubility-limiting phases relevant to nuclear waste disposal are reported, namely CeSiO4 and Ca2Ce8(SiO4)O2, produced by hydrothermal synthesis at 180 °C. X-ray diffraction data are presented for both compounds. Rietveld refinement was performed for each of these phases. CeSiO4 was confirmed to be a zircon structure type, with space group I41/amd, unit celltype="bold">abold=6.9564(3),type="bold">cbold=6.1953(4) Å. Bond lengths for SiO4 are in excellent agreement with published values; Ce4+ is coordinated to eight oxygen atoms with four regular and four short bonds. Ca2Ce8(SiO4)O2 was shown to have an apatite structure, with space group P63/m and unit celltype="bold">abold=9.4343(3),type="bold">cbold=6.8885(4) Å. The unit cell and bond lengths were found to be slightly smaller than would be expected from other lanthanide-containing analogs; possible reasons for this are discussed.