Preemergence herbicides were applied at recommended and three times the recommended rates during 1995, 1996, and 1997 to eight established zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) cultivars. Oxadiazon was the only herbicide that did not significantly reduce the quality of any zoysiagrass cultivar. The zoysiagrass cultivars had intermediate tolerance to prodiamine and pendimethalin, while oryzalin, dithiopyr, and benefin plus oryzalin caused the highest injury. ‘Emerald’ and ‘Meyer’ cultivars were least affected by herbicide application. ‘Diamond,’ ‘El Toro,’ ‘Cavalier,’ and ‘Crowne’ showed moderate injury, while ‘Royal' and ‘Palisades’ had the greatest injury. When the performance of zoysiagrass cultivars was averaged across herbicides, turf quality in May was best for Meyer, El Toro, and Crowne. The quality of the majority of cultivars except for Royal improved during the summer and was similar to that of Meyer by late August both years.