The frequency of aneuploid sperm was assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) in a 47,XYY male previously studied by sperm karyotyping. A total of 20 021 sperm were studied: 10 017 by two-colour FISH for chromosomes 13 and 21 and 10 002 by three-colour FISH for the sex chromosomes using chromosome 1 as an autosomal control for diploidy and lack of hybridisation. Results were compared with more than 500 000 sperm from 18 normal men. The frequencies of X-bearing (49.4%) and Y-bearing sperm (49.8%) were not significantly different from 50% as shown in our sperm karyotyping study. There was no significant increase in the frequency of diploid sperm compared with control donors. There was a significant increase in the frequency of disomy for chromosome 13 (p<0.0001) and XY disomy (p=0.0008) compared with control donors. However, since the frequency of disomy was 0.40% for chromosome 13 and 0.55% for XY disomy, it is not surprising that these increases were not discovered previously in our analysis of 75 sperm karyotypes. Our results suggest that the extra Y chromosome is eliminated during spermatogenesis in the majority of cells but that there may be a small but significant increase in the frequency of aneuploid sperm in these men.