Greenhouse trials were conducted to evaluate graminicidal resistance of selected ornamental grasses. Blue fescue cultivars ‘Blue Glow’, ‘Sea Urchin’, ‘Spring Blue’, and ‘Superba’ were resistant to 1× (medium use rate) and 2× rates of fenoxaprop, fluazifop-P, quizalofop, and sethoxydim, whereas fountain grass, ravenna grass, and switchgrass were sensitive. Minor (<20%) visible phytotoxicity was observed on some fescues treated with the 2× rate of fluazifop-P at 14 but not at 69 days after treatment (DAT). Fountain grass, ravenna grass, and switchgrass exhibited severe (>70%) phytotoxicity from all herbicides 69 DAT. Mortality of non-fescues ranged from 55% (fountain grass) to 96% (ravenna grass).