About this Elements series:
A distinct series within the Cambridge Elements project, Elements in the Gothic is committed to publishing cutting-edge, scholarly studies of the Gothic mode across its many interdisciplinary forms and historical manifestations.
Since its critical recuperation in the 1980s, scholarly interest in the Gothic has grown exponentially to become the vibrant and highly recruiting area of academic study that it is today. Though initially the preserve of European and Anglo-American critics situated within academic departments of literature, the Gothic has also witnessed a remarkably interdisciplinary dispersal, to the extent that it is now routinely encountered worldwide in such subject areas as film, media, music, theatre and drama, fashion, art, architecture, sociology and human geography. As its manifestations throughout modern and contemporary popular culture indicate, the Gothic mode holds considerable appeal for audiences beyond the academy too.
Capitalising upon this widespread interest, the Elements in the Gothic series seeks to publish short, research-led yet accessible studies of the foundational or core ‘elements’ within the capacious field of Gothic Studies. While intervening in this way in a number of long-standing critical debates, the series also makes provision for the showcasing of new and emergent lines of scholarly enquiry, bringing to a range of specialist and non-specialist readers some of the most exciting developments in recent Gothic scholarship. Published via the Cambridge Core platform, and maximising the numerous advantages of digital publication, each title in the series includes a large number of high-quality colour images, in-line videos, audio files and other technological features. Available, too, as print-on-demand paperback editions, the volumes in the ‘Elements in the Gothic’ series seek to provide authoritative coverage of one of the most intriguing aspects of human culture.
Submit a proposal
To submit a proposal for an Element in this series, please download this form and send it to the Series Editors: Dale Townshend ([email protected]) and Angela Wright ([email protected]).
Elements in this series
- Element
The Eternal Wanderer
- Element
Contemporary Body Horror