About this Cambridge Elements series
This Cambridge Elements series focuses on transformative pedagogies and the role they do and might play in addressing the critical issues in teacher education. The elements will feature research into the most feasible, direct and frugal methods that teacher education and professional development programs can employ to enable teachers who can think for themselves, teach to the diversity of their students and see education as a means of pulling humankind back from the precipice of extinction that we now face. The emancipatory knowledge featured in these elements goes beyond what is possible in book collections and journals. It will showcase the important work of first nation researchers, teacher education scholars from hitherto marginalised regions in the global south and from all researchers in teacher education who believe that to make a difference they need to do research differently.
Areas of Interest
- Teacher Education for Cultural Reflexivity
- Confronting the impact of major global events (e.g.COVID-19, climate change) with a paradigm shift in teaching and learning
- Developing self-efficacy and work commitment of teachers
- Ideologies of teacher professionalism
- Critical and reflective thinking in curriculum reform
- Modification and design of curriculum and instruction
- Challenges in curriculum reform (physical and communication challenges, challenges to cultural identities, beliefs and values)
- Establishment of partnerships between school districts and university programmes
- Moral and social purpose and values in the postmodern era
- Engaging students in purposeful activities to negotiate meanings
- Implementing a constructivist approach in teaching
- Supporting learning for students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds
- Developing multimodal literacies and instructions
- Linking students’ identities with teaching
- Providing culturally aware instruction
- Developing teachers’ socio-political and cultural consciousness
- Supporting minoritized students in teaching
Elements in this series
- Element
Who Am I as a Teacher?
About the Editors
Tony Loughland is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales. Tony is an experienced educator who likes to think that theory should be the plaything of practice. He agrees with Marx’s assertion that philosophy should be used to not only interpret the world but to try to change it. Tony subscribes to Marx as he believes this orientation towards research is vital in a world threatened by anthropocentric climate change. Tony is currently leading projects on using AI for citizens’ informed participation in urban development, the provision of staffing for rural and remote areas in NSW and on Graduate Ready Schools.
Andy Gao is a Professor at the School of Education, the University of New South Wales, Australia. He has been involved in teacher education in a variety of contexts. His research covers broad areas of language education, including international students’ educational experiences, autonomous language learning, language learning strategy, language learner autonomy, language education policy and language teacher education. Relevant publications have appeared in journals such as Asia Pacific Education Researcher, Journal of Education for Teaching, Research Papers in Education, Studies in Higher Education, System, Teaching and Teacher Education and TESOL Quarterly. He edits various internationally-renowned journals, such as International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching for De Gruyter and Asia Pacific Education Researcher for Springer. He also serves on the editorial boards of journals, including Asia Pacific Education Review, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism and Teacher Development.
Hoa T. M. Nguyen is an associate professor in the School of Education, the University of New South Wales, Australia. She specialises in teacher education/development, mentoring and sociocultural theory. She has experience teaching and training pre-service and in-service teachers in Asia and Australia. She has also investigated topics like implementing teaching methods in response to language policy reform. Relevant publications have appeared in Teaching and teacher education, Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, Australian Journal of Education and Teaching and Teacher Education. She has procured a number of grants in these areas in her career. Her research excellence has been recognised by multiple awards such as the Research Recognition Award for Early Career Researchers (ATEA); Endeavor Fellowship Award. She has also held visiting and honorary positions at the University of Sydney, Kings' College London, the University of Leeds and the University of Oxford.
Contact the Editors
If you would like more information about this series, or are interested in writing an Element, please contact:
Tony Loughland: [email protected]
Andy Gao: [email protected]
Hoa T. M. Nguyen: [email protected]