The preparation of this book benefited greatly from the support of several institutions. National intellectual property offices of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile and the United States provided national data, expertise and feedback. IP Australia generously allowed Alica Daly to participate as a co-editor of the book. WIPO’s Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) contributed funding for the Experts Meeting on Global Innovation Patterns in the Mining Industries (May 2017, Geneva) and the contributions of Brazil and Chile under the Project on Intellectual Property and Socio-Economic Development–Phase II (CDIP/14/7).
We are most grateful to many people who greatly contributed to this book. First, we thank all the volume’s contributors for their inspiring chapters and the time, dedication and patience they all committed to this project. Second, we also thank Bassen Awad, Graham Davis, Nicolas Depetris-Chauvin, Samo Gonçalves, David Kaplan, Marcela Paiva Véliz, and Catalina Olivos-Besserer, who participated in the above-mentioned expert meeting and whose perspectives enriched the direction of the book. Third, we are grateful to Alvaro Gonzalez Lopez, Sergio Escudero, Steve Melnick, and Pilar Trivelli, who contributed valuable expertise to the project.
Finally, special thanks to Samiah Do Carmo Figueiredo, Caterina Valles Galmès and Cécile Roure, who provided valuable administrative support.