1. Introduction
Hydrogen is often present in semiconductors and may passivate the acceptor or donor electronic level Reference Sun and Tzou[1]+ Reference Pankove, Carlson, Berkeyheiser and Wance[2]+ Reference Johnson[3], decreasing the carrier concentration. Hydrogen passivation has been observed in silicon, germanium, III-V and II-VI materials. In wurzite GaN, hydrogen passivates magnesium Reference Brandt, Johnson, Molnar, Singh and Moustakas[4] and calcium Reference Lee, Pearton, Zolper and Stall[5] acceptors.
Early infra red absorption experiments Reference Brandt, Ager, Gotz, Johnson, Harris, Molnar and Moustakas[6] on Mg doped wurzite GaN, with H incorporated unintentinally, showed two lines at 2168 and 2219 cm−1, which were attributed to a Mg-H centre. However ab-initio calculations obtained much higher local vibrational modes (LVM), between 2930 Reference Bosin, Fiorentini and Vanderbilt[7] and 3360 cm−1 Reference Neugebauer and Van de Walle[8] for the lowest formation energy configuration, H antibonding to nitrogen. This disagreement prompted further infrared experiments. New IR experiment Reference Gotz, Johnson, Bour, McCluskey and Haller[9], sensitive to vibrations on c plane, which detected a new local vibrational mode at 3125 cm−1. For deuterated samples a LVM at 2321 cm−1 emerged. The ratio of the last two frequencies to be near
Ab-initio calculations by Neugebauer and Van de Walle Reference Neugebauer and Van de Walle[8] and by Bosin, Fiorentini and Vanderbildt Reference Bosin, Fiorentini and Vanderbilt[7] have shown that Mg-H LVMs are similar for cubic and for wurzite GaN in the c direction and in the c plane. In this paper we present a study of the Mg-H complex in c direction in wurzite GaN. We compare the total energy and the LVMs of three possible neutral configurations with C3v symmetry. All configurations consider Mg at a gallium substitutional site and H sitting in the Mg-N bond centre (BC), in the antibonding site on nitrogen side (ABN) and in the antibonding position on magnesium side (ABMg). Calculations of hydrogen passivation of others acceptors (Be, Ca, Zn and Cd) in wurzite GaN are in progress and will be presented in a separate publication.
2. Method
We use an ab initio local density functional method on a large H-terminated cluster Reference Jones[10]. Norm conserving pseudopotentials Reference Bachelet, Hamann and Schlüter[11] were used. The electronic wavefunction and the charge density were expanded in s- and p-type gaussians atomic orbitals, centred on nuclei and at the centre of all non H-terminated bonds.
The total self-consistent energy is found and the atomic forces calculated analitically. A conjugated gradient algorithm is used to minimize the total energy. In our calculations we use a MgHGa25N26H42 atomic cluster, centred on the middle of a Ga-N bond, and all atoms were allowed to relax. We verified the convergence of the results presented here with respect to basis set.
Second derivatives of the energy in respect to the atomic positions are obtained numerically and inserted into the dynamical matrix to calculate the LVMs. In pratice, the numerically calculated second derivatives were determined for the atoms involved in the defect and their first nearest neighbours. Outside the defect region, the second derivatives are calculated using a Keating Potential Reference Keating[12]. We consider non-Coulombic bond stretching and bond bending interactions. The parametrization was chosen to fit the highest frequency at the Γ point and the bulk modulus for cubic GaN.
3. Results
We have determined the relaxed atomic geometry, total energy and LVMs for three neutral configurations, BC, ABN and ABMg, along the c direction.
We found ABN to be the lowest total energy configuration, while BC and ABMg configurations are 0.5 and 3.7 eV higher, respectively.
For the ABN configuration nitrogen moved 0.12 Å towards the Mg site, while magnesium moved 0.03 Å away from N, resulting in a Mg-N bond length of 1.89 Å, close to the Ga-N ideal bond length. The N-H bond length is 1.02 Å. In the BC configuration nitrogen and magnesium moved apart 0.03 and 0.35 Å, respectively. The N-H bond length is 0.99 Å. The Mg-N distance is 0.4 Å greater than the perfect bond length, which increases the strain energy.
The local modes are listed in Table 1. The lowest total energy configuration, ABN, produces 3327 and 2387 cm−1 stretch modes for hydrogen and for deuterium respectively, in good agreement with experiment and previous calculations. Replacing 14N by 15N low the 3327 cm−1 stretch mode by 6 cm−1. We also predict an unreported wag mode at 1311 cm−1. The BC and the ABMg configurations produce stretch local modes at 3645 and 2144 cm−1, for hydrogen, and 1552 and 2650 cm−1 for deuterium, respectively. These LVMs do not agree with experiment. No wag local modes were found for these two configurations. To verify the local modes dependence on the Keating Potential parametrization, the Keating force contants were varied by 30%. No significant changes on local modes were found.
Table 1 Calculated and Experimental LVMs of Mg-H (Mg-D) complex in wurzite GaN (cm−1).
4. Conclusions
We find that the lowest total energy configuration for the Mg-H complex along the c direction in wurzite GaN hydrogen sits at anti-bonding site at the nitrogen nearest neighbour of MgGa. This configuration produces a stretch local mode in good agreement with experiment and previous calculations by Neugebauer and Van de Walle and by Bosin, Fiorentini and Vanderbilt. The experimental isotopic shift for deuterium is well reproduced and is predited to be 6 cm−1 lower for 15N-H We also found an unreported infra red active wag local mode for the ABN configuration at 1311 cm−1. The BC and ABMg configurations do not show any wag local modes.
V. Torres acknowledges the financial support of JNICT, contract PRAXIS XXI PBIC/C/CTM/1925/95.