State of Change: Colorado Politics in the Twenty-first Century
Courtenay W. Daum, Robert J. Duffy, and John A. Straayer
University Press of Colorado

From the Publisher: Colorado has been at the center of major shifts in American politics. Over the last several decades, the political landscape has altered on he state and national levels. This title traces the political and demographic factors that have transformed Colorado, looking beyond the major shift in the dominant political party from Republican to Democratic to greater long-term implications. The increased use of direct democracy resulted in adoption of term limits, major reconstruction of fiscal policy, and other changes in statutory and constitutional law. Contributors also address the effects of these changes on the future of Colorado, concluding that the current state of affairs is fated to be short lived.
Courtenay W. Daum is an assistant professor of political science at Colorado State University; Robert J. Duffy is a professor and chair of the department of political science at Colorado State University; John A. Straayer is a professor of political science at Colorado State University.
High-Stakes Reform: The Politics of Educational Accountability
Kathryn A. McDermont
Georgetown University Press

From the Publisher: High-Stakes Reform analyzes the political processes and historical context that led to the enactment of state-level education accountability policies across the country. It also situates the education accountability movement in the broader context of public administration research, emphasizing the relationships among equity, accountability, and intergovernmental relations. The book then focuses on three in-depth case studies of policy development in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Kathryn McDermott zeroes in on the most controversial and politically charged forms of state performance accountability sanctions, including graduation tests, direct state intervention in or closing of schools, and state takeovers of school districts.
Kathryn A. McDermott is an associate professor of education and public policy at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Dialectics and Contemporary Politics: Critique and Transformation from Hegel through Post-Marxism
John Grant
From the Publisher: Grant recasts dialectical thought for a post-Marxist age in which labor movement politics is just one political option among many. The book is organized thematically around concepts such as immanent critique, ideology, experience, and resistance, and according to figures who are vital to the present trajectory of dialectics, including Hegel, Adorno, Foucault, Jameson and Žizek. New analysis of these concepts and theorists is used to show how they transform our understanding of social life as well as offer a way of understanding social transformation.
John Grant is a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow in the department of political science at the University of Toronto.
Federalism 2011
John Kincaid, editor
Sage, 4 volumes: Volume I: Theories of Federalism; Volume II: Comparative Federalism; Volume III: Practices of Federalism; Volume IV: Potentials of Federalism

From the Publisher: In 1968, Carl J. Friedrich suggested that federalism was not, as many observers then believed, an anomaly in the modern era, but rather a mode of governance that was moving to the forefront of political necessity and desirability in the second half of the twentieth century. This was a prescient observation. Federalism has become a leading mechanism for addressing problems of human diversity and political scale, both small and large. It establishes unity on the basis of consent while preserving diversity by constitutionally uniting separate political communities into a limited, but encompassing, polity. This major reference collection grapples with a large body of knowledge that does not neatly divide into theoretical categories and creates a structure to study this complex political structure and process of governance. Federalism, a four volume set, attempts to signpost and map out the field for researchers, post-graduates and political scientists in general.
John Kincaid is the Robert B. and Helen S. Meyner Professor of Government and Public Service and Director of the Meyner Center for the Study of State and Local Government at Lafayette College.
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