See if you can find the 8 differences in each set of images.
Diketopyrrolopyrrole pink flow
Optical microscope image of diketopyrrolopyrrole-based pi (DPP)-conjugated crystals. The DPP crystals are sensitive to polarization of light, blue or pink in color, depending on the orientation of the needles toward the light direction. The origin of this phenomenon is determined in terms of exciton coupling related to the packing of the molecules.
Laure Biniek, Centre National de la Recherche, Université de Strasbourg, France.
Winter is coming
False-colored scanning electron microscope image of a tungsten-rich tetrakaidecahedron structure with a 1-µm beam diameter. Three-dimensional structuring of tungsten-containing materials at the microscale is possible by pyrolysis of hybrid organic–inorganic scaffolds fabricated by two-photon lithography.
Andrey Vyatskikh, California Institute of Technology, USA.
February 2020 answer key
Answers will be published in the June 2020 issue.
Images on the top were submitted to the Materials Research Society “Science as Art” competition. Images on the bottom were modified in Adobe Photoshop for this “Look Again” activity.