The originally published version of this article contained the following errors:
In Table 2, the Wald Difference Test df value for “Maltreatment →BPD symptom severity/Caucasian” was incorrectly printed. This value should be 1.
In the caption to Figure 2, β was not included in the following sentence: “Standardized (β) coefficients were estimated separately for each MAOA group.”
In the caption to Figure 3, β was not included in the following sentence: “Slope values are standardized (β) coefficients extracted from multiple-mediation model with antisocial personality disorder symptoms (ASPD) symptom severity as an outcome.”
In the caption to Figure 4, β was not included in the following sentence: “Standardized (β) coefficients were estimated separately for each MAOA group.”
The publisher apologizes for these errors. In regards to the error in Table 2, the original article has since been updated.