be a Lie algebra homomorphism from the Lie algebra of G to the Lie algebra of H in the following cases: (i) G and H are irreducible algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, or (ii) G and H are linear complex analytic groups. In this paper, we present some equivalent conditions for ϕ to be a differential in the above two cases. That is, ϕ is the differential of a morphism of algebraic groups or analytic groups as appropriate.
In the algebraic case, for example, it is shown that ϕ is a differential if and only if ϕ preserves nilpotency, semisimplicity, and integrality of elements. In the analytic case, ϕ is a differential if and only if ϕ maps every integral semisimple element of
into an integral semisimple element of
, where G0 and H0 are the universal algebraic subgroups of G and H. Via rational elements, we also present some equivalent conditions for ϕ to be a differential up to coverings of G in the algebraic case, and for ϕ to be a differential up to finite coverings of G in the analytic case.