1. Introduction
We study subrepresentations in the homology of finite covers of finite graphs, viewed as a representation of the deck group. The subrepresentations we consider arise from homology classes of lifts of closed curves that have interesting topological properties, for example, being primitive. One goal is to better understand the connection between topological properties of curves and representation-theoretic properties of their homology classes. For a finite, regular cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
of finite graphs, with associated deck group
, we know that
) is spanned by a finite set of closed loops. Let
be the rank of the free group
$\pi _1(X)$
. For a subset
$S \subseteq F_n = \pi _1(X)$
, we consider the subrepresentation:

, called the preferred elevation of
, is the lift of the smallest power of
such that
is a closed loop in
, and
$\left [ \tilde{s} \right ]$
its homology class. If
is the set of primitive elements in
, that is, loops in
that are part of a basis of
$\pi _1(X)$
, we write
and call this subrepresentation the primitive homology of
, following Farb and Hensel [Reference Farb and Hensel3]. In this paper, the authors asked whether
. This question was presumably first asked by Marché for the homology of surfaces with
-coefficients, see [Reference Marché8], and later by Looijenga in [Reference Looijenga7]. Partial results were obtained by Farb and Hensel in [Reference Farb and Hensel3], where they showed that in fact equality holds for finite Abelian and
-step nilpotent groups, the latter only when
$n \geq 3$
; see [Reference Farb and Hensel3, Propositions 3.2 and 3.3]. Malestein and Putman gave a complete answer to this question in [Reference Malestein and Putman9, Theorem C, Example 1.3]. For every
$n \geq 2$
, they constructed a finite group which answers the question in the negative.
A central role is played by the theorem of Gaschütz, see [Reference Chevalley, Weil and Hecke2] or [Reference Grunewald, Larsen, Lubotzky and Malestein5, Theorem 2.1], which identifies the first homology of
as a representation of
; namely, we have an isomorphism of

where we denote by
the trivial one-dimensional representation of
and by
the regular representation of
To obstruct primitive homology from being all of homology, Farb and Hensel used the theorem of Gaschütz together with the following representation-theoretic property: if
is a primitive loop in
, then the
-orbit of the homology class of its preferred elevation is linearly independent, in other words

$\phi \;:\; \pi _1(X) \to G$
is the epimorphism associated with the cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
, compare [Reference Farb and Hensel3, Proposition 2.1]. From this, we obtain a necessary representation-theoretic condition for a homology class to be the homology class of a lift of a primitive element. Recall that a homology class in
can be represented by a primitive loop in
if and only if it is indivisible. The question arises whether there is a similar characterization for homology classes of lifts of primitive elements. Our first result shows that the necessary representation-theoretic property of Farb and Hensel is never sufficient for regular, Abelian covers.
Theorem 1.1.
be the deck group of a finite, regular cover
$Y \to X$
of finite graphs with rank of
$\pi _1(X)$
at least 2. If
is nontrivial Abelian, then there exists
$z \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
indivisible such that
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z\} \cong \textrm{Ind}^G_{\langle g \rangle } ({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})$ for some
$g \in G$ , and
$z$ is not represented by an elevation of a primitive loop in
$X$ .
We ask whether Theorem 1.1 also holds for non-Abelian groups.
We extend some of the above questions to other subsets
$S \subseteq F_n$
. We consider the subset of primitive commutators, by which we mean a commutator of the form
$[w, w']$
$w, w'$
elements in a common basis of
. Homology classes of elevations of primitive commutators satisfy the following representation-theoretic property, in analogy to [Reference Farb and Hensel3, Proposition 2.1] for primitive elements.
Proposition 1.2.
be the deck group of a finite, regular cover
$Y \to X$
of finite graphs with associated epimorphism
$\phi \;:\; \pi _1(X) \to G$
. Let
$x_2 \in F_n$
be two primitive elements that extend to a free basis of
. Set
$x\;:\!=\; [x_1,x_2]$
, and let
$K \;:\!=\; \langle \phi (x) \rangle \leq \langle \phi (x_1), \phi (x_2) \rangle \;=\!:\; H \leq G$
be the subgroups of
generated by
$\phi (x)$
, respectively,
$\phi (x_1)$
$\phi (x_2)$
. Then we have the following isomorphism of

Note that if
$K \leq H\leq G$
are subgroups, then
is a
-subrepresentation of
. Indeed, by transitivity of induction it suffices to realize that
is an
-subrepresentation of
using for example Frobenius reciprocity; compare [Reference Serre10, Chapters 7.1–7.2].
Our next result shows that this representation-theoretic property is not sufficient in the case
Proposition 1.3.
there exists a finite, regular cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
$z \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z}) \cap \ker\!(p_*)$
indivisible, where
is the induced map on the associated homology groups, such that
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z\} \cong \textrm{Ind}_{\langle g \rangle }^G({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})/{\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}$ for some
$g \in G$ , where
$G$ is the deck group associated with the cover
$p$ , and
$z$ cannot be represented by an elevation of a primitive commutator in
$X$ .
We turn to the space
the subset of all primitive commutators over all bases of
(not just some fixed one) and write
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \leq H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
for this subrepresentation, the primitive commutator homology of
. It is clear that
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \leq \ker\!(p_*) \neq H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
. One can ask whether
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) = \ker\!(p_*)$
To obstruct primitive commutator homology to constitute all of
, we introduce the following notation as in [Reference Farb and Hensel3, Definition 1.3]. Let
be the set of representatives of the pairwise nonisomorphic irreducible
-representations, and for
$S \subseteq F_n$
, let

be the subset of those irreducible representations
that have the property that there is an element in
whose image has a nonzero fixed point. More precisely,
$V \in \textrm{Irr}^S(\phi,G)$
if and only if there exists an element
$s \in S$
$0 \neq v \in V$
such that
$\phi (s)(v)=v$
. If
is the set of primitive elements or primitive commutators, we write
, respectively. For a
$V \in \textrm{Irr}(G)$
, we write
for the sum of all subrepresentations of
isomorphic to
and call them the homogeneous components of
Theorem 1.4.
be the deck group of a finite, regular cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
of finite graphs with associated epimorphism
$\phi \;:\; \pi _1(X) \to G$
. Then,

The argument follows closely the one of [Reference Farb and Hensel3, Theorem 1.4]. The main ingredient of the proof of this theorem is Proposition 1.2. The theorem implies that whenever a group
together with an epimorphism
$\phi \;:\; F_n \to G$
$\textrm{Irr}^{\textrm{comm}}(\phi,G) \neq \textrm{Irr}(G)$
, we conclude by the theorem of Gaschütz that
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \neq \ker\!(p_*)$
. We will give an example of a group with this property in the case
. In fact, even more is true.
Theorem 1.5.
For every
$n \geq 2$
there exists a finite, regular cover
$p \;:\; Z \to X$
such that
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Z;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \neq \ker\!(p_*)$
The proof of this theorem relies on the result of Malestein and Putman on primitive homology; see [Reference Malestein and Putman9, Theorem C, Example 1.3].
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is solely concerned with homology classes of elevations of primitive elements. We will introduce the important results and finish by giving a proof of Theorem 1.1. In Section 3, we will prove a necessary representation-theoretic property of homology classes of elevations of primitive commutators (Proposition 1.2), but which is not sufficient to characterize those homology classes; see Proposition 1.3. In Section 4, we study the primitive commutator homology, and we will prove Theorem 1.4. We will discuss how primitive homology and primitive commutator homology relate, which will be essential in the proof of Theorem 1.5.
2. Homology classes of elevations of primitive elements
$n \in \mathbb{N}$
$n \geq 2$
, a finite group
and a surjective homomorphism
$\phi \;:\; F_n \to G$
, where
$F_n = F \langle x_1, \ldots, x_n \rangle$
is the free group on
generators. Let
be the wedge of
copies of
with vertex
. Then we can associate with
a finite regular path-connected cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
with base point
$y_0 \in p^{-1}(x_0)$
$p_*(\pi _1(Y,y_0))=\ker\!(\phi )$
. Under these assumptions, we have
$G \cong F_n/ \ker\!(\phi ) \cong \pi _1(X,x_0)/p_*(\pi _1(Y,y_0))$
acts on
by graph automorphisms. This action extends to a linear action of
on the finite-dimensional
-vector space
Recall that we call an element of a free (Abelian) group primitive if it is part of a free basis. An element of a free Abelian group is primitive if and only if it is indivisible, that means it cannot be written as a nontrivial multiple of some other element. Being indivisible is equivalent to the coefficient vector with respect to a basis having greatest common divisor one. A primitive element in
has a primitive image under the quotient map to
. On the other hand, every primitive element in
has a primitive preimage in
Definition 2.1.
For an element
$l \in F_n$
, let
be the minimal number such that
$l^{k(l)} \in \ker\!(\phi )$
. The preferred elevation
is the lift of
at the base point
. Lifts of
at other preimages of
are just called elevations. Unless clear from context we write
, where
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
is the covering map, to specify which cover we are lifting to.
Note that
is finite for all
$l \in F_n$
, since
is finite. By the regularity of the cover, we obtain all elevations of
by applying the elements of
to the preferred elevation
. We can view
as an element in
$\pi _1(Y,y_0)$
, where it will also be called
. Its homology class is denoted by square brackets
. It is straightforward to verify that elevations of primitive elements are primitive.
For a cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
we denote by
the induced morphisms on the level of fundamental groups and homology groups. Since
is finite, we have the transfer map
$p_{\#} \;:\; C_\bullet (X) \to C_\bullet (Y), \; x \mapsto \sum _{\tilde{x} \textrm{ lift of } x} \tilde{x}.$
The map
commutes with the differential operators and thus induces a map on homology, which will also be denoted by
. We have
$p_* \circ p_{\#} = |G| \cdot \textrm{id}$
, which in particular implies that
$p_* \;:\; H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})\to H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
is surjective and
$p_{\#} \;:\; H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})\to H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
is injective.
$l\in F_n$
, we observe that
$p_*([\tilde{l}]) = | \phi (l) | \cdot [ l ] \in H_1(X;\;\mathbb{Z})$
, since
$k(l) = | \phi (l) |$
. If
is Abelian, and
$\tilde{\phi } \;:\; \mathbb{Z}^n \to G$
denotes the homomorphism obtained from
which factors through

We summarize the general setup of this article in the following diagram, which can be consulted at every point.

In the rest of this section, we will show that the property given in [Reference Farb and Hensel3, Proposition 2.1] is not sufficient to characterize elevations of primitive elements. We recall the statement here.
Proposition 2.2 (Farb–Hensel). Let
be the deck group of a finite, regular cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
of finite graphs with associated epimorphism
$\phi \;:\; \pi _1(X) \to G$
. Let
be a primitive loop in
and let
be its preferred elevation in
. We set
$z \;:\!=\; [\tilde{l}]$
$g \;:\!=\; \phi (l)$
. Then there is an isomorphism of

Note that this proposition contains two statements. First, it says that the
-orbit of an elevation of a primitive element is
-linearly independent. Secondly, it tells us that the subgroup over which we induce is related to the primitive element
we started with. It is cyclic and generated by
$\phi (l)$
. If
is Abelian, this allows us to relate
$\phi (l)$
, see equation (2.1)—a fact which will be exploited in the proof of Theorem 1.1 to verify the insufficiency of this property.
$V_1={\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}, \ldots, V_{k(G)}$
be representatives of the isomorphism classes of the irreducible
-representations, where
is the number of nonisomorphic irreducible
-representations. If
is a
-representation, we write
for the sum of all subrepresentations of
isomorphic to
and call them the homogeneous components of
. Recall that if
, then
$M(V_i) \cong V_i^{\oplus \dim (V_i)}$
for all
$ 1 \leq i \leq k(G)$
, compare for example [Reference Isaacs6, Chapter 2]. The following lemma follows directly from the theorem of Gaschütz.
Lemma 2.3.
. In the above setting, the following properties hold:
$p_{\#}(H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})) \cong M(V_1)$ .
$\ker\!(p_*) \cong \bigoplus _{i=2}^{k(G)} M(V_i)$ .
Together we obtain
$H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) = p_{\#}(H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})) \oplus \ker\!(p_*)$
(i) The group
$G$ acts trivially on
$p_\#(H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}}))$ , since an element of the deck group permutes lifts. Hence,
$p_{\#}(H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})) \leq M(V_1)$ . Since
$p_\#$ is injective as a map on homology, we obtain equality by the theorem of Gaschütz and dimensionality reasons.
(ii) This follows from the theorem of Gaschütz and the fact that the map
$p_* \;:\; H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \to H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})$ is surjective. Indeed, we have
\begin{equation*}M(V_1) \cong {\mathbb {C}}^n \cong H_1(X;\;{\mathbb {C}}) = \textrm {im}(p_*) \cong M/ \ker\!(p_*),\end{equation*}
${\mathbb{C}} [G]$ -modules, where
$G$ acts trivially on
$H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})$ , so
$\ker\!(p_*)$ does not have simple submodules isomorphic to
$V_1$ . For dimensionality reasons, we obtain
$\ker\!(p_*) \cong \bigoplus _{i=2}^{k(G)} M(V_i)$ .
$x\in H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
$p_\#(x) \in \ker\!(p_*)$
. Then
$p_*(p_\#(x))= |G|x =0$
, and hence
. Thus,
$\ker\!(p_*) \cap \textrm{im}( p_{\#}) = \{0\}$
Before we prove our first result, we state the following lemma about induced representations.
Lemma 2.4.
be a finite group and
a representation of
. Assume there exists
$0 \neq m \in M$
such that
is linearly independent. Let
$H \;:\!=\; \textrm{Stab}_G(m)$
. Then,

Proof. Choose representatives
$g_1 = 1, g_2, \ldots, g_{[G:H]}$
for the left cosets of
. For all
$g \in G$
can be uniquely written as
$g = g_i h$
for some
$1 \leq i \leq [G \;:\; H]$
$h \in H$
. We then have
$gm = g_i h m = g_i m$
, since
$h \in \textrm{Stab}_G(m)$
. Also note that if
$g_i m = g_j m$
, then
$g_j^{-1}g_i \in H$
, so
$g_i \in g_jH$
which implies
$i = j$
. Thus,
$g_1 m, \ldots, g_{[G:H]}m$
is a basis for
. By construction,
$\textrm{Ind}^G_H({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}) = U_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus U_{[G:H]}$
-modules with
$U_1 ={\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}$
-module, and
$U_i = g_i U_1$
. Let
$u_1 \in U_1 \setminus \{0\}$
. Then
$U_1 = \langle u_1\rangle$
and thus
$U_i = \langle g_iu_1 \rangle$
for all
$1 \leq i \leq [G \;:\; H]$
. Define
$\varphi \;:\; \textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}}[G]}\{m\} \to \textrm{Ind}^G_H({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})$
$g_i m \mapsto g_i u_1$
, and
-linear extension. This is an isomorphism of
We are now ready to prove our first result.
Proof of Theorem 1.1. Recall that we would like to prove that if
is the deck group of a finite, regular cover
$Y \to X$
of finite graphs with rank of
$\pi _1(X)$
at least two, and
is nontrivial Abelian, then there exists an indivisible homology class
$z \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
such that
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z\} \cong \textrm{Ind}^G_{\langle g \rangle } ({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})$ for some
$g \in G$ , and
$z$ is not represented by an elevation of a primitive loop in
$X$ .
The proof has two parts: first, we construct an indivisible homology class
$z \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
starting from two homology classes of elevations of primitive elements. Second, we verify that
indeed satisfies conditions (i) and (ii).
Claim. There are primitive loops
$l', l''$
$\langle \phi (l') \rangle \cap \langle \phi (l'') \rangle = \{1\}$
$\langle \phi (l') \rangle \neq \{1\}$
We will now prove the claim. Since
is Abelian, the map
factors through
, so we obtain a surjective homomorphism
$\tilde{\phi } \;:\; \mathbb{Z}^n \to G$
of Abelian groups. By the invariant factor decomposition of finitely generated modules (refer e.g. to [Reference Bosch1, Chapter 2.9, Theorem 2]) the statement is clear for
$\tilde{\phi }$
is nontrivial and
$n\geq 2$
. Since the Abelianization
$F_n \to \mathbb{Z}^n$
has the property that every primitive element in
has a primitive preimage, the claim is proven.
$l', l''$
primitive loops in
that satisfy the above claim. To simplify notation, we set
$g' \;:\!=\; \phi (l')$
$g'' \;:\!=\; \phi (l'') \in G$
. We consider the homology classes
$z''=[\tilde{l''}] \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
of the preferred elevations
of the two primitive loops
, respectively. The elements
will be used to build our desired homology class
. Write
$z' = z'_{\!\!1} + z'_{\!\!2}+ \ldots + z'_{\!\!|G|}$
$z'' = z''_{\!\!\!1} + z''_{\!\!\!2}+ \ldots + z''_{\!\!\!|G|}$
for the decomposition into the homogeneous components, that is,
$z''_{\!\!\!i} \in M(V_i)$
$i \leq 1 \leq |G|$
. By the theorem of Gaschütz, we have
$z'_{\!\!1}, z''_{\!\!\!1} \in V_1^{\oplus n}$
$z'_{\!\!i}, z''_{\!\!\!i} \in V_i^{\oplus (n-1)}$
$2 \leq i \leq |G|$
We claim that
$z'_{\!\!1} \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Q})$
. Indeed, by Lemma 2.3(a), we know that there exists
$x \in H_1(X;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
such that
$z'_{\!\!1} = p_\#(x)$
, and
$|G| \, x = p_* \circ p_\# (x) = p_* (z'_{\!\!1}) = p_*(z') \in H_1(X;\;\mathbb{Z})$
, using that
$z'_{\!\!2}, \ldots, z'_{\!\!|G|} \in \ker\!(p_*)$
; see (b) in the same lemma. Thus,
$ |G| \, z'_{\!\!1} = p_\#( |G| \, x) \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z}).$
By the same argument
$z''_{\!\!\!1} \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Q})$
$b \;:\!=\; z''_{\!\!\!1} - z'_{\!\!1} \in V_1^{\oplus n}$
and set

$q \in \mathbb{Q}$
such that
$z \;:\!=\; q \hat{z} \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
is indivisible. This will be our candidate homology class.
We come to the second part of the proof. First, we verify that (i) holds for
. For this we need to show that the projection of
, namely
, is nontrivial. Assuming this, it is a straightforward computation that
$\textrm{Stab}_G(\hat{z}) = \textrm{Stab}_G(z') = \langle g' \rangle$
, and that the
-orbit of
is linearly independent over
, since this is true for
. Now (i) follows from Lemma 2.4 with

To show that
$z''_{\!\!\!1} \neq 0$
, we will argue by contradiction. In fact, if
$z''_{\!\!\!1} = 0$
, Lemma 2.3(b) implies that
$0=p_*(z''_{\!\!\!1})=p_*(z'')= |g'' | [l'']$
, where the last equality holds since
is the homology class of the preferred elevation of
. Thus,
which contradicts the fact that
is primitive.
To verify (ii), we clearly need that
$b \neq 0$
because otherwise
. Assume for a contradiction that
, or equivalently
. By Lemma 2.3(b), it follows that
, and thus
$|g'| [l'] =| g'' | [l''] \in H_1(X;\;\mathbb{Z})$
. Since
are indivisible integral homology classes, they are equal. As
is Abelian, we have
$g' = \tilde{\phi }([l'])= \tilde{\phi }([l''])=g''$
by equation (2.1), which contradicts the choice of
Knowing that
$b\neq 0$
, assume now toward a contradiction that
is the homology class of an elevation of a primitive element
. By Proposition 2.2, we have
$ \textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z\} \cong \textrm{Ind}_{\langle \phi (l) \rangle }^G ({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}} ).$
On the other hand, by equation (2.2), we have

$g \;:\!=\; \phi (l)$
. Now
Abelian implies that
$\langle g \rangle = \langle g' \rangle$
, since representations of finite groups over
are determined by their characters and there is an explicit formula for the character of an induced representation; compare [Reference Isaacs6, Chapter 5]. Further, we compute

Again by the indivisibility of the integral homology classes
, we conclude that they are equal. Since
is Abelian, we obtain
$g = g''$
again by equation (2.1). This contradicts the fact that
$\langle g' \rangle \cap \langle g'' \rangle = \{1\}$
$\langle g' \rangle \neq \{1\}$
In fact, a slightly stronger result can be verified using the same techniques as in the proof of the above proposition.
Corollary 2.5.
$z \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
be the element constructed in the proof of Theorem 1.1. Then there is no element in
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z\}$
which is the homology class of an elevation of a primitive loop in
Proof. Assume there exists
$z^* \in \textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z\} \cap H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
indivisible with
$[ \tilde{l^*} ] = z^*$
$l^* \in F_n$
primitive. Then
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z^*\} \cong \textrm{Ind}_{\langle g^* \rangle }^G({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})$
$g^*\;:\!=\; \phi (l^*) \in G$
by Proposition 2.2. We also have there exist
$\alpha _1, \ldots, \alpha _{|G|} \in{\mathbb{C}}$
such that
$z^* = \sum _{i=1}^{|G|} \alpha _i g_i z$
$g_i \in G$
. Thus,

acts as homeomorphisms of the covering space which preserve the projection map
. Then
$A \in \mathbb{Q}$
since both
are in
. Putting everything together, we obtain

Since both
are integral indivisible homology classes, they are equal, and thus
$g^* = g''$
again by equation (2.1). Recall that
$\textrm{Stab}_G(z)=\langle g' \rangle$
. We claim that
Abelian implies that
$\textrm{Stab}_G(z) \leq \textrm{Stab}_G(z^*)$
$\textrm{Stab}_G(z^*) = \langle g^* \rangle$
. Indeed for
$g \in \textrm{Stab}_G(z)$
, we have

which proves the first part of the claim. For the second part of the claim, we observe that if
$v_1,\ldots,v_{[G:\langle g^* \rangle ]}$
is a
-basis for
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z^*\} \cong \textrm{Ind}_{\langle g^* \rangle }^G({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})$
which gets permuted transitively by
and for which
$\textrm{Stab}_G(v_1)=\langle g^* \rangle$
, then
$\textrm{Stab}_G(v_k) = \langle g^* \rangle$
for all
$k=2,\ldots, [G\;:\;\langle g^* \rangle ]$
, and hence
$\textrm{Stab}_G(z^*) \leq \langle g^* \rangle$
. By a dimension argument, we obtain equality. Thus, we obtain that
$\langle g' \rangle = \textrm{Stab}_G(z) \leq \textrm{Stab}_G(z^*) = \langle g^* \rangle = \langle g'' \rangle$
, which contradicts the choice of
in the proof of Theorem 1.1.
3. Homology classes of elevations of primitive commutators
We begin this section by giving a proof of Proposition 1.2, which gives a necessary representation-theoretic property of homology classes of elevations of primitive commutators.
Proof of Proposition 1.2. Recall that we would like to prove that if
extend to a free basis of
$x_{12} \;:\!=\; [x_1, x_2]$
, then

$K \;:\!=\; \langle \phi (x_{12}) \rangle \leq \langle \phi (x_1), \phi (x_2) \rangle \;=\!:\; H \leq G$
Choose a base point preserving homotopy equivalence from
to the wedge of
circles that maps
to two of the circles. Then there exists a unique (up to base point preserving homeomorphism that commutes with the covering map) finite regular cover of the wedge of
circles such that the homotopy equivalence lifts to a homotopy equivalence of the corresponding covers and preserves base points. Since homotopy equivalences induce isomorphisms on the level of fundamental and homology groups, we can without loss of generality assume that
is a wedge of
are two of those circles and that Y is a cover of this space.
The proof now consists of two parts. First, we reduce to the case
, where the statement simplifies to

. Second, we use surface topology to prove the claim in this special case. We start by reducing to the case
be the union of the two circles
. Define
as the component of
that contains the base point
. Now choose representatives for the left cosets of
, say
$g_1=1, \ldots, g_{[G:H]}$
and set
$Y_i \;:\!=\; g_i Y_1$
$1 \leq i \leq [G\;:\;H]$
. These are pairwise disjoint subgraphs of
, since the vertices of
correspond to the group elements and every group element is contained in exactly one
. It is easy to see that
$I \;:\; \bigoplus _{i=1}^{[G:H]} H_1(Y_i;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \hookrightarrow H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
is injective, where
is induced by the inclusions of the subgraphs into
; see for example [Reference Farb and Hensel4, Claim 2.4]. Note that
is a morphism of
-representations, since the action of
on the direct sum is given by permuting the summands according to the permutation of the subgraphs
. Now set
$v \;:\!=\; [ \tilde{x}_{12} ]$
. By definition of
, we have
$v \in H_1(Y_1;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
and, for every
$h \in H$
, we have
$hv \in H_1(Y_1;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
. For
$g \in G$
$g = g_j h$
for some
$1\leq j \leq [G\;:\;H]$
$h \in H$
. Thus,
$g v = g_j h v \in H_1(g_j Y_1;\;{\mathbb{C}}) = H_1(Y_j;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
. We know that
$ \textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G] } \{v\} = \sum _{i=1}^{[G:H]} g_i \, \textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [H]}\{v\},$
and, since
is injective, we conclude that this sum is in fact direct. Hence,

Proposition 1.2 in the case
applies to
since it is generated by two elements, and we obtain that
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [H]}\{v\} \cong \textrm{Ind}_K^H({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})/{\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}$
. By the exactness of induction (see e.g. [Reference Serre10, Chapter 7.1]), it then follows that

Thus, without loss of generality, we can assume that
. To prove the proposition in this case, we use surface topology. We would like to show that
$ \textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{[\tilde{x}_{12}] \} \cong \textrm{Ind}_K^G({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})/{\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}$
. We identify
with the fundamental group of the torus with one boundary component
and base point
$t_0 \in \partial T$
, with generators
represented by the simple closed curves as in the image below.

$x \;:\!=\; x_{12} = [x_1, x_2]$
is represented by
$\alpha =\partial T$
. We have a group homomorphism
$\phi \;:\; \pi _1(T)\cong F_2 \to G$
, and we can associate with
$\ker\!(\phi )$
a finite, regular, path-connected cover
$q \;:\; S \to T$
with base point
$s_0 \in q^{-1}(t_0)$
$q_*(\pi _1(S,s_0))=\ker\!(\phi )$
. Note that
is again an orientable surface with
$\partial S = q^{-1}(\partial T) = q^{-1}(\alpha ) = \alpha _1 \cup \ldots \cup \alpha _m$
. The surface
is homotopy-equivalent to
. For
$[\alpha _i] \in H_1(S;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
be the homology class represented by
$\alpha _i$
$[\partial S] \;:\!=\; \sum _{i=1}^m[\alpha _i] \in H_1(S;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
the homology class represented by
$\partial S$
. Denote by
${\mathbb{C}}[\alpha _i]$
${\mathbb{C}}[\partial S]$
their respective
-spans. Let
$\bigoplus _{i=1}^m{\mathbb{C}} [ \alpha _i ]$
be the
-representation, where
acts by permuting the homology classes
$[\alpha _i]$
. We then have the following short exact sequence of

where the map
is given by
$z \mapsto (z,\ldots,z)$
, and
$(z_1, \ldots, z_m)$
$\sum _{i=1}^m z_i [\alpha _i]$
. One can verify that
-equivariant. The exactness follows, for example, from the exactness of the long exact sequence of the pair
$(S,\partial S)$
Recall that we are interested in understanding
$\textrm{Span}_{H_1(S;{\mathbb{C}})} \{ [\alpha _1], \ldots, [\alpha _m] \}$
. Using the short exact sequence, it is enough to understand
$\bigoplus _{i=1}^m{\mathbb{C}} [ \alpha _i ]$
${\mathbb{C}} [\partial S]$
-representations. Let us assume without loss of generality that
$\alpha _1$
contains the base point
$s_0 \in S$
. Then,

is simple. The curves
$\alpha _1, \ldots, \alpha _m$
are the elevations of
, and
permutes these. Hence, we can identify the curves
$\alpha _2, \ldots, \alpha _m$
with the left cosets of
, because
is the stabilizer of
$\alpha _1$
. Choose representatives
$g_1 = 1_G, g_2, \ldots, g_m \in G$
of the left cosets of
. Then,

-representations by the defining property of the induced representation. Clearly,
acts trivially on
$[\partial S]$
. Thus, we have proved the proposition, since by the exactness of the short exact sequence above we have

It turns out that the above representation-theoretic property is in general not sufficient to characterize homology classes of elevations of primitive commutators. A counterexample for
will be given in Proposition 1.3, whose construction is based on the idea of stacking covers and the proof of Theorem 1.1. We need some preliminary considerations.
For a group
, a subgroup
$H \leq G$
is characteristic if it is invariant under every automorphism of
, that is, for all
$\varphi \in \textrm{Aut}(G)$
we have
$\varphi (H) \subseteq H$
. If we have a sequence of subgroups of the form
$K \mathrel{\unlhd }_{\textrm{char}} H \mathrel{\unlhd } G$
characteristic in
normal in
, then
is also normal in
Example 3.1.
For all
$n,m \geq 2$
$\textrm{mod} \, \textrm{m}$
-homology cover is a characteristic cover of the wedge of
circles. Recall that the
$\textrm{mod} \, \textrm{m}$
-homology cover is given by the surjective group homomorphism:

It suffices to verify that
$\ker\!(\phi )$
is characteristic in
. Let
$\alpha \in \textrm{Aut}(F_n)$
. Since
$\ker\!(\phi ) = \langle [x,y], z^m \mid x, y, z \in F_n \rangle$
, we conclude that
$\alpha (\!\ker\!(\phi )) \subseteq \ker\!(\phi )$
, and hence that the cover is characteristic.
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover has the additional property that all primitive commutators lift to primitive elements.
Lemma 3.2.
$\phi \;:\; F_2 \to (\mathbb{Z}/ 2 \mathbb{Z})^2$
be the
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover as in Example 3.1. Then for
$x \;:\!=\; [l,l']$
any primitive commutator in
$l \neq l'$
, its preferred elevation is primitive.
Proof. We denote by
$p \;:\; (Y, y_0) \to (X,x_0)$
the associated finite, characteristic cover, where
is the wedge of two circles and
the point of identification. Let
be generators of the fundamental groups of the two circles. We will show the claim for
$x \;:\!=\; [x_1, x_2]$
first. Then,
$\phi (x)=0$
and thus
lifts to a closed curve on
illustrated by the dotted lines.

We need to extend
to a free basis of
$\pi _1(Y, y_0)$
. For example,

is a free basis of
$\pi _1(Y, y_0)$
. Namely, consider the spanning tree illustrated by the bold lines in the above figure.
any primitive commutator, we use that there exists a homotopy equivalence of
that sends
, since the primitive elements defining
form a basis of
. Since the cover is characteristic, this homotopy equivalence can be lifted to
, and the same argument works.
There is one last remark before we prove Proposition 1.3. If
$p \;:\; Z \to X$
$q \;:\; Y \to Z$
are finite, regular covers with base points
$z_0 \in p^{-1}(x_0)$
$y_0 \in q^{-1}(z_0)$
, respectively, such that
$p \circ q \;:\; Y \to X$
is a finite, regular cover, then for
any loop on
, we have by the uniqueness of lifts and the choice of base points that

Proof of Proposition 1.3. Recall that for
, we would like to prove the existence of a finite, regular cover
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
, together with
$z \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z}) \cap \ker\!(p_*)$
indivisible such that
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{z\} \cong \textrm{Ind}_{\langle g \rangle }^G({\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}})/{\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}$ for some
$g \in G$ , where
$G$ is the deck group associated with the cover
$p$ , and
$z$ cannot be represented by an elevation of a primitive commutator in
$X$ .
We will construct
using iterated covers. Let
$\pi _1(X) \cong F_2$
be the free group on the generators
. Consider the primitive commutators
$ x' \;:\!=\; [x_1,x_2], \; x'' \;:\!=\; [x_2^{-1},x_1]$
. We start with the
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover
$p_1 \;:\; Z \to X$
defined by the surjective homomorphism:

$l' \;:\!=\; \tilde{x}'$
$l'' \;:\!=\; \tilde{x}''$
are primitive in
$\pi _1(Z)$
by Lemma 3.2. We additionally have that
lie in one basis. For example, the elements
$x_2 x_1^2 x_2^{-1}$
to a basis of
$\pi _1(Z)\cong F_5$
, using the same notation as in the proof of Lemma 3.2.
Consider now the
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover
$p_2 \;:\; Y \to Z$
defined by the surjection:

and extension. Then
$p \;:\!=\; p_1 \circ p_2 \;:\; Y \to X$
is a finite, regular cover because
is characteristic, and we denote its deck group by
. We have the following short exact sequence of groups
$ 1 \to N \to G \to Q \to 1$
. Since
$0=[x']=[x''] \in H_1(X;\;\mathbb{Z})$
, it follows that

We write
$z' = z'_{\!\!1}+\ldots +z'_{\!\!2^5}$
$z''= z''_{\!\!\!1}+\ldots +z''_{\!\!\!2^5}$
$ z'_{\!\!i}, z''_{\!\!\!i} \in M(W_i)$
, where
$W_1 ={\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}, W_2, \ldots, W_{2^5}$
are representatives of the isomorphism classes of the irreducible representations of
. Define
$\hat{z} \;:\!=\; z'-(z'_{\!\!1}-z''_{\!\!\!1})$
. Then,
still lies in the kernel of
: Indeed, since
we have

and consequently,
$p_*(\hat{z})= (p_1)_* ((p_2)_*(\hat{z}))= (p_1)_* ((p_2)_*(z''))=p_*(z'') = 0$
, since
$z'' \in \ker\!(p_*)$
By the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 1.1,
$\hat{z} \in H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Q})$
and we can choose
$q\in \mathbb{Q}$
such that
$z \;:\!=\; q \hat{z} \in \ker\!(p_*) \leq H_1(Y;\;\mathbb{Z})$
is indivisible. Using that
is Abelian, we can now copy the same idea as in the proof of Theorem 1.1 to obtain that
is not the homology class of an elevation of a primitive element in
and thus also not the homology class of an elevation of a primitive commutator in
by Lemma 3.2.
4. Primitive commutator homology
The first step in attacking the question whether
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) = \ker\!(p_*)$
is the obstruction in Theorem 1.4. We adapt the ideas of the proof of [Reference Farb and Hensel3, Theorem 1.4].
Proof of Theorem 1.4. We would like to prove that if
is an irreducible
-representation that appears in
, then
$V \in \textrm{Irr}^{\textrm{comm}}(\phi,G) \setminus \{{\mathbb{C}}_{\textrm{triv}}\}$
. Since
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \leq \ker\!(p_*) \cong \bigoplus _{i=2}^{k(G)} M(V_i)$
by Lemma 2.3(b), it is clear that
be a primitive commutator in
, and set
$K \;:\!=\; \langle \phi (x) \rangle \leq \langle \phi (l), \phi (l') \rangle \;=\!:\; H \leq G$
. Let
be an irreducible
-representation. Then writing
$V^{K} = \{v \in V \;:\; gv=v \textrm{ for all } g \in K \}$
for the space of fixed points of
, Proposition 1.2 and Frobenius reciprocity (see e.g. [Reference Isaacs6, Lemma 5.2]) imply that

where the last equality follows from the orthogonality relations.
An irreducible representation
appears in
if and only if there exists a primitive commutator
such that

By the above, this implies
$\dim\!(V^{K}) \neq 0$
, which is equivalent to the existence of some nonzero
$v \in V$
$\phi (x)(v) = v$
. Thus, for
to appear in
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{ [\tilde{x}] \}$
, we necessarily need
$V \in \textrm{Irr}^{\textrm{comm}}(\phi,G)$
We will continue by studying
in some examples. If
is Abelian, we have
$\phi (x_{12})=1_G$
and we obtain by the semisimplicity of

This implies that
$\textrm{Span}_{{\mathbb{C}} [G]} \{ [\tilde{x}_{12}] \} \cong \ker\!(p_*)$
by Lemma 2.3(b), and therefore
On the other hand, there are examples in rank 2 with
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})\neq \ker\!(p_*)$
, since not every irreducible representation has the property that the image of a primitive commutator has a nonzero fixed point, in other words
$\textrm{Irr}^{\textrm{comm}}(\phi, G) \neq \textrm{Irr}(G)$
Example 4.1.
any surjective homomorphism
$\phi \;:\; F_2 \to S_3$
, where
denotes the symmetric group on three elements, satisfies
$\textrm{Irr}^{\textrm{comm}}(\phi, S_3) \neq \textrm{Irr}(S_3)$
. In fact, the irreducible two-dimensional representation of
does not lie in
$\textrm{Irr}^{\textrm{comm}}(\phi, S_3)$
. It can be realized by
acting on
$V\;:\!=\;{\mathbb{C}}^3/\langle e_1+e_2+e_3\rangle$
by permutation of the coordinates. Since
is surjective, the image of a primitive commutator is either the cycle
$(1 2 3)$
$(1 3 2)$
. Computing the action of
, we see that one is not an eigenvalue, so
does not have a fixed vector. Similarly for
. Thus,
$V \notin \textrm{Irr}^{\textrm{comm}}(\phi, S_3)$
A more general answer to this question is presented in the following for every
$n \geq 2$
. To see that there are examples where
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \neq \ker\!(p_*)$
for certain covers
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
, we use iterated covers to relate the question to the one for primitive homology. Note that in general the composition of two regular covers is not again regular, but every finite, regular cover is itself covered by a finite, characteristic cover. This is true by the following observation: if
is a finitely generated group and
$H \mathrel{\unlhd } G$
a normal subgroup of finite index
, then there is a subgroup
$H^* \leq H$
which is of finite index in
and characteristic in
. Namely, we can take
$H^* \;:\!=\; \bigcap _{H^{\prime} \mathrel{\unlhd } G \textrm{ normal}, \,[G:H^{\prime}]=k} H'$
In order to prove that in general
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}} \neq \ker\!(p_*)$
, we reduce the case of primitive commutator homology to the case of primitive homology by looking at the
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover. The proof of Lemma 3.2 can be generalized to show that for every
, the
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover as in Example 3.1 has the property that primitive commutators lift to primitive elements. Then, we can apply the result of Malestein and Putman in [Reference Malestein and Putman9, Example 1.3] to conclude. For this, we need to understand how primitive homology behaves in iterated covers. To avoid confusion, we introduce the following notation: if
$Y \to X$
is a finite, regular cover of finite graphs, we will from now on write
$H_1^S(Y \to X;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
instead of
Lemma 4.2.
$q \;:\; Z \to Y$
$p \;:\; Y \to X$
be finite, regular covers of finite graphs such that
$p \circ q \;:\; Z \to X$
is a finite, regular cover. Then

In other words, primitive homology gets mapped into primitive homology.
Proof. For
a primitive element in
$\pi _1(X)$
, we have for some
$k \in \mathbb{Z}$

Corollary 4.3.
Let the setup be as in Lemma 4.2 with the condition that
$H_1^{\textrm{prim}}(Y \to X;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \neq H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
-representations where
$K \;:\!=\; \textrm{Deck}(Y,p)$
. Then,

-representations with
$G \;:\!=\; \textrm{Deck}(Z,p \circ q)$
Proof. This is straightforward using that
$q_* \;:\; H_1(Z;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \to H_1(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
is surjective.
The last corollary implies that we can assume without loss of generality that the cover constructed by Malestein and Putman in [Reference Malestein and Putman9, Example 1.3] is characteristic by passing to a finite, characteristic cover, which will satisfy that primitive homology is not all of homology. We bring everything together in the following proof.
Proof of Theorem 1.5. Recall that for every
$n \geq 2$
we would like to construct a finite, regular cover
$p \;:\; Z \to X$
such that
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Z \to X;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \neq \ker\!(p_*)$
$p' \;:\; Y \to X$
be the
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover with group of deck transformations
$K= (\mathbb{Z}/ 2 \mathbb{Z})^n$
. By Example 3.1, we know that this cover is characteristic. Lemma 3.2 tells us that all primitive commutators in
lift to primitive elements in
. The space
is again a connected graph with free fundamental group, so we can apply the result of Malestein and Putman, see [Reference Malestein and Putman9, Theorem C, Example 1.3], to find a finite, regular cover
$q \;:\; Z \to Y$
with deck group
such that

-representations. By the above considerations, we can assume that this cover is characteristic. Therefore,
$p \;:\!=\; p' \circ q \;:\; Z \to X$
is regular. Denote its deck group by

Let us assume for a contradiction that
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Z \to X;\;{\mathbb{C}}) = \ker\!(p_*)$
. Then Lemma 2.3(b) implies that
$H_1^{\textrm{comm}}(Z \to X;\;{\mathbb{C}}) = \bigoplus _{i=2}^{k(G)} M(V_i),$
-representations. We also know by Lemma 2.3(a) that

By definition, we have
$p_\#([l]) = \sum _{g \in G} g \, [\tilde{l}]$
. For
a primitive element, it follows that
$p_\#([l]) \in H_1^{\textrm{prim}}(Z;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
. Thus, we obtain
$M(V_1) \leq H_1^{\textrm{prim}}(Z \to X;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
. This implies that

We would like to conclude from this equality that
$H_1(Z;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \leq H_1^{\textrm{prim}}(Z \to Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
, which contradicts the choice of the cover
$q \;:\; Z \to Y$
. We know that lifts of primitive elements are primitive, and by Lemma 3.2 that for the
$\textrm{mod} \, 2$
-homology cover primitive commutators in
also lift to primitive elements in
. Set

$S \subseteq \{l \in \pi _1(Y) \textrm{ primitive} \}$
. Clearly, for any two subsets
$S' \subseteq S'' \subseteq F_m$
we have
$H_1^{S^{\prime}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}}) \leq H_1^{S^{\prime\prime}}(Y;\;{\mathbb{C}})$
. By the above equation together with the last observation, we obtain

Competing interests
The author declares none.
I would like to thank Sebastian Hensel for introducing me to this topic and for his helpful remarks. Thanks goes as well to Bram Petri for valuable input, and Peter Feller, Gerhard Hiss and Anna Ribelles Pérez for constructive discussions and feedback. I am grateful to the referee for the detailed comments and suggestions, particularly for pointing out an error in the original argument for Corollary 2.5.