This list celebrates the generosity of donors to APSA. We are honored to recognize those who made a donation to support our work during the last quarter of the 2020 fiscal year (October 1, 2020–December 31, 2020). Thank you for helping us continue critical programs and professional resources for APSA members around the world.
Tony Affigne
Marcus D. Allen
John A. Altman
Connie Anthony
Yuhao Ba
Lee Ann Banaszak
Karen Beckwith
Benevity, Inc.
Jeffrey M. Berry
Janet M. Box-Steffensm
Daniel Bruce Braaten
Michael A. Brintnall
Nadia E. Brown
Jeremy Buchman
Peter F. Burns
K. Juree Capers
Rosella Cappella
Anshu N. Chatterjee
Beverly A. Cigler
Susan E. Clarke
Rosalee A. Clawson
Ajenai S. Clemmons
Rachael Vanessa Cobb
Michael C. Craw
James Dandridge, II
I. M. (Mac) Destler
Murray P. Dry
John R. Emery
Stephen M. Engel
Kenneth Paul Erickson
Richard S. Flickinger
Lorrie Frasure
Jaime Baeza Freer
Alisa Hicklin Fryar
Beth C. Fuchs
Fritz Gaenslen
Terry Gilmour
Kristin Goss
Robert C. Grady
Kaaryn Gustafson
Stuart E. Hartger
Mai Hassan
Tomohisa Hattori
Rodney E. Hero
Ronald Salem Hikel
John F. Hoadley
Jennifer L. Hochschild in memory of Melissa
Ole R. Holsti Charitable Gift Fund in memory of Oli Holsti, made on behalf of Maija Holsti
John Ishiyama
Alan M. Jacobs
Gary C. Jacobson
Robert Jervis
Bryan D. Jones
Sheldon Kamieniecki
Peter J. Katzenstein
Ira Katznelson
Joyce Kaufman and Bob Marks in memory of Peter Rosenberg
Edmond J. Keller
Robert O. Keohane
David A. Lake
Miriam J. Laugesen
Margaret Levi
Burdett A. Loomis
Andrea M. Lopez
James Mahoney
Melanie Frances Manion
Irving Leonard Markovitz
Paula D. McClain
Stephanie McNulty
Nancy McWilliams
Kimberly Mealy
Carol A. Mershon
Nicholas R. Miller
Helen V. Milner
Jocelyn Sage Mitchell
Charles L. Mitchell
Dale A. Neuman
Richard Nielsen
Daniel L. Nielson
Julie L. Novkov
Christopher Olds
Giovanni Olsson
Sima R. Osdoby
Arthur C. Paulson
Louis Pauly
Joan M. Paylo
Paul C. Peterson
Mark A. Peterson
M. Anne Pitcher
David J. Plazek
Amy R. Poteete
Andrew Putnam
Eric W. Rader
Nicol C. Rae
Reuel R. Rogers
Lorenca Consuelo Rosal
Raymond A. Rosenfeld
Brandon Rottinghaus
Oindrila Roy
Stephen M. Sachs
Deborah Schildkraut
Sebastian M. Schmidt
Jean Reith Schroedel
Cammy Shay
Kenneth Sherrill
David A. Shirk in memory of David Q. Glass
Theda Skocpol
Steven Rathgeb Smith
Jeff Spinner-Halev
Leila and Mickey Straus Family Foundation, made on behalf of Scott Straus and Sara Guyer
Sherrill Stroschein
Arun R. Swamy
Steven C. Tauber
Alvin B. Tillery, Jr.
Danny Torres
Arthur S. Vanden Houten
Mayra Velez-Serrano
Jennifer Nicoll Victor
Alan M. Warshauer
Meredith L. Weiss
Joseph White
Matthew S. Winters
Kenton W. Worcester
Johnathon Mark Wrighton
Xu Xu ■
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