The information given here is provided by the IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification for comparative purposes and as a service to mineralogists working on new species.
Each mineral is described in the following format:
Mineral name, if the authors agree on its release prior to the full description appearing in press
Chemical formula
Type locality
Full authorship of proposal
E-mail address of corresponding author
Relationship to other minerals
Crystal system, Space group; Structure determined, yes or no
Unit-cell parameters
Strongest lines in the powder X-ray diffraction pattern
Type specimen repository and specimen number
Citation details for the mineral prior to publication of full description
Citation details concern the fact that this information will be published in the Mineralogical Magazine on a routine basis, as well as being added month by month to the Commission's web site.
It is still a requirement for the authors to publish a full description of the new mineral.
IMA No. 2019-082
Fornovolasco metarhyolite formation, close to the Boscaccio locality, Fornovolasco, Fabbriche di Vergemoli (LU), Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy (44°01’53”N, 10°22’11”E)
Cristian Biagioni*, Ferdinando Bosi, Daniela Mauro, Henrik Skogby, Andrea Dini and Federica Zaccarini
*E-mail: [email protected]
Tourmaline supergroup
Trigonal: R3m; structure determined
a = 15.9864(8), c = 7.2187(4) Å
6.40(42), 4.61(18), 4.24(52), 4.00(60), 2.971(61), 2.585(100), 2.048(41), 1.925(24)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Museo di Storia Naturale, Università di Pisa, Via Roma 79, Calci (PI), Italy, catalogue number 19890
How to cite: Biagioni, C., Bosi, F., Mauro, D., Skogby, H., Dini, A. and Zaccarini, F. (2020) Dutrowite, IMA 2019-082. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-083
Vechec andesite quarry, 2.8 km SW of the Vechec village, Vranov nad Topľou Co., Prešov Region, Slovakia (48°51’09.58”N, 21°36’12.10”E)
Martin Števko*, Jiří Sejkora, Jakub Plášil, Zdeněk Dolníček and Radek Škoda
*E-mail: [email protected]
Apophyllite group
Tetragonal: P4/mnc; structure determined
a = 8.99336(9), c = 15.7910(3) Å
7.897(31), 7.812(13), 4.547(14), 3.946(100), 2.985(39), 2.484(11), 2.010(10), 1.579(12)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, National Museum in Prague, Cirkusová 1740, 19300 Praha 9, Czech Republic, catalogue number P1P 44/2019
How to cite: Števko, M., Sejkora, J., Plášil, J., Dolníček, Z. and Škoda, R. (2020) Fluorapophyllite-(NH4), IMA 2019-083. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-085
Ceferino Namuncurá pegmatite, Pocho Department, Córdoba Province, Argentina (31°37’45”, 65°15’03”W)
Marco E. Biglia*, Mark A. Cooper, Edward S. Grew, Jorge A. Sfragulla, María F. Márquez-Zavalía, Alina B. Guereschi, Martin G. Yates and Miguel A. Galliski
*E-mail: [email protected]
Wicksite group
Orthorhombic: Pcab; structure determined
a = 12.608(6), b = 12.918(6), c = 11.737(4) Å
3.170(22), 2.927(49), 2.856(65), 2.821(25), 2.769(26), 2.745(100), 2.706(30), 2.097(29)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Mineralogy and Geology “Dr. A. Stelzner” Museum, Av. Vélez Sársfield 249, X5000JJC Córdoba, Argentina, catalogue n. MS003457
How to cite: Biglia, M.E., Cooper, M.A., Grew, E.S., Sfragulla, J.A., Márquez-Zavalía, M.F., Guereschi, A.B., Yates, M.G. and Galliski, M.A. (2020) Liraite, IMA 2019-085. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-086
Östanmossa mine, Norberg Municipality, Västmanland County, Sweden (60°05’N, 15°56’E, 130 m asl)
Dan Holtstam*, Luca Bindi, Hans-Jürgen Förster, Paola Bonazzi and Ulf B. Andersson
*E-mail: [email protected]
The Mg-As analogue of hundholmenite-(Y)
Trigonal: R3m; structure determined
a = 10.8082(3), c = 27.5196(9) Å
7.739(24), 4.431(43), 3.146(51), 3.010(100), 2.976(70), 2.954(32), 2.702(46), 1. 848(24)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Department of Geosciences, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE-10405 Stockholm, Sweden, collection number GEO-NRM #19540155
How to cite: Holtstam, D., Bindi, L., Förster, H.-J., Bonazzi, P. and Andersson, U.B. (2020) Arrheniusite-(Ce), IMA 2019-086. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-087
Blue Lizard mine, Red Canyon, White Canyon District, San Juan Co., Utah, USA (37°33’26”N, 110°17’44”W)
Anthony R. Kampf*, Travis A. Olds, Jakub Plášil, Joe Marty, Samuel N. Perry, Loretta Corcoran and Peter C. Burns
*E-mail: [email protected]
New structure type
Triclinic: P
$\overline 1 $; structure determined
a = 5.4511(4), b = 14.487(1), c = 15.873(1) Å, α = 76.295(5), β = 81.439(6), γ = 85.511(6)°
14.67(97), 5.320(100), 5.093(67), 4.733(75), 3.489(65), 3.331(61), 3.078(61), 2.954(98)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue number 74163
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Olds, T.A., Plášil, J., Marty, J., Perry, S.N., Corcoran, L. and Burns, P.C. (2020) Seaborgite, IMA 2019-087. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-088
North Star mine, Mammoth, Tintic district, Juab Co., Utah, USA (39°55’14”N, 112°06’24”W – holotype); Tombstone, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA (cotype)
Anthony R. Kampf*, Robert M. Housley, George R. Rossman, Hexiong Yang and Robert T. Downs
*E-mail: [email protected]
Known synthetic analogue
Monoclinic: P21/n; structure determined
a = 7.3830(3), b = 10.7545(5), c = 9.3517(7) Å, β = 111.500(8)°
6.744(47), 3.454(80), 3.301(100), 3.114(42), 3.048(73), 2.803(41), 2.745(44), 1.752(45)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue number 67505 (holotype), and the RRUFF Project, University of Arizona, USA, deposition number R190033 (cotype)
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Housley, R.M., Rossman, G.R., Yang, H. and Downs, R.T. (2020) Adanite, IMA 2019-088. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-089
Rosina pegmatite, San Piero in Campo, Campo nell'Elba (LI), Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy
Ferdinando Bosi*, Federico Pezzotta, Alessandra Altieri, Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Paolo Ballirano and Gioacchino Tempesta
*E-mail: [email protected]
Tourmaline supergroup
Trigonal: R3m; structure determined
a = 15.9518(4), c = 7.1579(2) Å
6.345(45), 4.210(60), 3.983(88), 3.453(55), 2.942(55), 2.573(100), 2.036(38), 1.913(26)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Museo Universitario di Scienze della Terra, Sapienza Università di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma, Italy, catalogue number 33287/403 (holotype), and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Corso Venezia 55, 20121 Milano, Italy, catalogue number M38847 (cotype)
How to cite: Bosi, F., Pezzotta, F., Altieri, A., Andreozzi, G.B., Ballirano, P. and Tempesta, G. (2020) Celleriite, IMA 2019-089. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-090
Agios Stefanos mine, ca. 10 km S of the Domokos village, Othrys ophiolite, Greece (39°04’59”N, 22°25’59”E)
Luca Bindi*, Federica Zaccarini, Elena Ifandi, Basilios Tsikouras, Chris J. Stanley, Giorgio Garuti and Daniela Mauro
*E-mail: [email protected]
Structurally related to florenskyite
Orthorhombic: Pnma; structure determined
a = 5.8893(8), b = 3.5723(4), c = 6.8146(9) Å
2.950(20), 2.785(25), 2.273(60), 2.157(100), 2.118(25), 1.915(15), 1.824(15), 1.784(20)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Museo di Storia Naturale, Università di Pisa, Via Roma 79, Calci (PI), Italy, catalogue number 19911
How to cite: Bindi, L., Zaccarini, F., Ifandi, E., Tsikouras, B., Stanley, C.J., Garuti, G. and Mauro, D. (2020) Grammatikopoulosite, IMA 2019-090. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-091
In paralavas in the Halamish and Zohar wadi, southern part of the Hatrurim Basin, Israel (31°09’47”N, 35°17’57”E – holotype); as mineral phase of an inclusion within diamond, collected from gravels of the Sorriso Creek, a tributary of Rio Aripuanã, Mato Grosso State, Brazil (11°20’S, 59°11’W – cotype).
Victor V. Sharygin*, Sergey N. Britvin, Felix V. Kaminsky, Richard Wirth, Elena N. Nigmatulina, Grigory A. Yakovlev, Konstantin A. Novoselov and Mikhail N. Murashko
*E-mail: [email protected]
The Cr analogue of harmunite
Orthorhombic: Pnma; structure determined
a = 8.868(9), b = 2.885(3), c = 10.355(11) Å
4.434(23), 2.589(54), 2.567(100), 2.424(69), 2.418(62), 2.148(34), 1.767(35), 1.758(22)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5439/1 (holotype), the Central Siberian Geological Museum, V.S.Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, prospekt Akademika Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia, catalogue number VII-102/1 (holotype), and the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Kosygin St. 19, Moscow 119334, Russia, F.V. Kaminsky collection, catalogue number 8/108 (cotype)
How to cite: Sharygin, V.V., Britvin, S.N., Kaminsky, F.V., Wirth, R., Nigmatulina, E.N., Yakovlev, G.A., Novoselov, K.A. and Murashko, M.N. (2020) Ellinaite, IMA 2019-091. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-029a
Rh(Cu1-xGex) 0 < x ≤ 0.5
Haraigawa, Misato machi, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan
Takahiro Tanaka*, Tadashi Shinmachi, Kota Kataoka and Daisuke Nishio-Hamane
*E-mail: [email protected]
CsCl-type structure
Cubic: Pm
$\overline 3 $m
a = 2.977(1) Å
2.103(100), 1.717(3), 1.487(15), 1.332(6), 1.216(70)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan, specimen number NSM-46298 (holotype) and NSM-16299 (cotype)
How to cite: Tanaka, T., Shinmachi, T., Kataoka, K. and Nishio-Hamane, D. (2020) Michitoshiite-(Cu), IMA 2019-029a. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-093
SW Cut (35°16’20”N, 116°06’04”W – holotype) and Bird Nest drift (35°16’36”N, 116°06’01”W – cotype), Otto Mountain, 2.5 km WNW of Baker, San Bernardino Co., California, USA
Anthony R. Kampf*, Robert M. Housley, Stuart J. Mills, George R. Rossman and Joe Marty
*E-mail: [email protected]
New structure type
Orthorhombic: Ibam; structure determined
a = 23.688(17), b = 9.026(8), c = 10.461(8) Å
3.927(80), 3.423(26), 3.286(44), 2.967(100), 2.601(70), 2.230(23), 1.964(66), 1.846(19)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue numbers 73596 (holotype) and 73597 (cotype)
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Housley, R.M., Mills, S.J., Rossman, G.R. and Marty, J. (2020) Hagstromite, IMA 2019-093. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-095
Aranga Quarry, Aranga, Kaipara District, Northland Region, New Zealand (35°44’06”S, 173°34’47”E)
Peter Elliott* and Anthony R. Kampf
*E-mail: [email protected]
New structure type
Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined
a = 12.843(3), b = 23.589(5), c = 11.560(2) Å, β = 115.54(3)°
11.78(100), 9.54(16), 7.85(19), 6.29(32), 5.92(31), 5.22(21), 3.140(18), 2.850(17)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia, registration number G34802
How to cite: Elliott, P. and Kampf, A.R. (2020) Waipouaite, IMA 2019-095. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-096
Agios Stefanos mine, ca. 10 km S of the Domokos village, Othrys ophiolite, Greece (39°04’59”N, 22°25’59”E)
Luca Bindi*, Federica Zaccarini, Paola Bonazzi, Tassos Grammatikopoulos, Basilios Tsikouras, Chris J. Stanley and Giorgio Garuti
*E-mail: [email protected]
Known synthetic analogue
Trigonal: P3221; structure determined
a = 6.689(3), c = 17.403(6) Å
2.896(29), 2.591(45), 2.049(100), 1.672(40), 1.608(10), 1.296(20), 1.096(15), 1.024(12)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Museo di Storia Naturale, Università di Pisa, Via Roma 79, Calci (PI), Italy, catalogue number 19911
How to cite: Bindi, L., Zaccarini, F., Bonazzi, P., Grammatikopoulos, T., Tsikouras, B., Stanley, C.J. and Garuti, G. (2020) Eliopoulosite, IMA 2019-096. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-097
Kesebol Mn-(Fe-Cu) deposit, Åmål municipality, Västra Götaland, Sweden (58°59’04”N, 12°31’47”E, 130 m asl)
Dan Holtstam*, Luca Bindi, Andreas Karlsson, Jörgen Langhof, Thomas Zack, Paola Bonazzi and Anders Persson
*E-mail: [email protected]
New structure type
Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined
a = 6.7382(3), b = 13.0368(6), c = 12.0958(6) Å, β = 98.578(2)°
6.50(22), 5.96(54), 5.70(42), 3.228(58), 3.138(84), 3.114(100), 2.924(84), 2.908(63)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Department of Geosciences, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE-10405 Stockholm, Sweden, collection number GEO-NRM #20100343
How to cite: Holtstam, D., Bindi, L., Karlsson, A., Langhof, J., Zack, T., Bonazzi, P. and Persson, A. (2020) Kesebolite-(Ce), IMA 2019-097. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA No. 2019-099
Uchucchacua polymetallic deposit, Oyon district, Catajambo, Lima Department, Peru (10°37’23”S, 76°41’17”W)
Frank N. Keutsch*, Shao-Liang Zheng, Dan Topa and Chris Stanley
*E-mail: [email protected]
The Mn analogue of franckeite
Monoclinic: C2/m (Q-slab), P21 (H-slab)
a = 5.82, b = 5.92, c = 17.65 Å, β = 99.1° (Q-slab)
a = 6.23, b = 3.69, c = 17.59 Å, β = 93.3° (H-slab)
3.48–3.59(58), 3.23–3.32(13), 3.13–3.20(4), 2.86–3.09(100), 2.54–2.59(7), 2.36–2.42(14), 2.18–2.25(73), 1.96–2.07(43)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Naturhistorisches Museum, Burgring 7, 1010 Wien, Austria, catalogue number O1798, and the Mineralogical & Geological Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA, specimen numbers 2019.18.1 and 2019.18.2
How to cite: Keutsch, F.N., Zheng, S.-L., Topa, D. and Stanley, C. (2020) Ramosite, IMA 2019-099. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,
IMA 19-G: discreditation of ferrotellurite
Proposal 19-G is accepted, and the ill-defined mineral ferrotellurite is discredited. Indeed, this species has been shown to be equivalent to keystoneite, Mg0.5NiFe3+(Te4+O3)3⋅4.5H2O.
IMA 19-H: discreditation of heliophyllite
Proposal 19-H is accepted, and heliophyllite is discredited. This species is identical to ecdemite, Pb6As2O7Cl4.
A paper on the mineral ilmajokite has been recently published [IUCrJ, 7 (2020), 121–128] in which the ideal chemical formula of the mineral is given as Na11KBaCe2Ti12Si37.5O94(OH)31⋅29H2O. With respect to the previously accepted formula, there is a new chemical element (K); moreover Ba and Ce, which were previously put together with Na as subordinate cations, now acquire the status of species-forming constituents, as the structural study clearly indicates that they are partitioned at specific crystallographic sites. These data were examined carefully by the CNMNC officers and were considered reliable. Accordingly it was agreed to modify the formula of the mineral in the official IMA List of Minerals. Moreover, the occurrence of a REE as a species-forming element implies the renaming of ilmajokite to ilmajokite-(Ce).
The file on the new mineral petrovite in CNMNC Newsletter 52 was wrong in the following details: IMA No.; chemical formula; full authorship of proposal; unit-cell parameters; strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern; citation details for the mineral prior to publication of full description. Here is the correct version.
IMA No. 2018-149b
Second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik fissure eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Far-Eastern Region, Russia (55°41’N, 160°14’E, 1200 m asl)
Stanislav K. Filatov*, Andrey P. Shablinskii, Lidiya P. Vergasova, Sergey V. Krivovichev and Svetlana V. Moskaleva
*E-mail: [email protected]
Chemically similar to saranchinaite
Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined
a = 12.6346(8), b = 9.0760(6), c = 12.7560(8) Å, β = 108.75(9)°
7.24(100), 6.25(38), 4.47(31), 3.70(36), 3.65(34), 2.837(28), 2.600(48), 2.571(37)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Mineralogical Museum of Saint-Petersburg State University, University Emb. 7/9, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia, catalogue number 1/19696
How to cite: Filatov, S.K., Shablinskii, A.P., Vergasova, L.P., Krivovichev, S.V. and Moskaleva, S.V. (2020) Petrovite, IMA 2018-149b. CNMNC Newsletter No. 53; Mineralogical Magazine, 84,