In the original publication of this article, there was a value missing from table 4. The incorrect and corrected copy are given below.
Incorrect copy:
Table 4 Leaf petiole droop and leaf petiole base swelling in soybean 7 and 15 d after treatment (DAT) with dicamba at V3/V4 and R1/R2.Footnote a

a Application timings: V3/V4 (third/fourth node with two to three fully expanded trifoliates) and R1/R2 (open flower at any node on main stem/open flower at one of the two uppermost nodes on main stem).
b Injury was visually rated using a scale of 0=no injury; 1= slight; 2=slight to moderate; 3= moderate; 4=moderate to severe; and 5=severe.
c Dicamba rates ranged from 1/1,000 to 1/2 of the use rate of 560 g ha-1.
d Means within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different using Tukey-Kramer at P<0.05.
e Standard error of the mean in parentheses.
Correct copy:
Table 4 Leaf petiole droop and leaf petiole base swelling in soybean 7 and 15 d after treatment (DAT) with dicamba at V3/V4 and R1/R2.a

The authors regret this error.