Figures, Tables and Box
2.3Composition of IMF post-tax estimates for all fossil fuels
2.4Estimated US subsidies to fossil fuels (millions USD/year)
2.5Coverage disparity across subsidy types in the United States
3.1The wealthy benefit most from fossil fuel subsidies in developing countries
3.2G20 fossil fuel subsidies (pre-tax) in 2015 and health expenditures in 2014
5.1A ‘norm cascade’? Initiated fossil fuel subsidy reforms, 2014–15
7.1Subsidies according to their environmental and trade effects
9.1Overlapping member groupings of the Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform
11.1Indonesia fuel prices compared to international oil market prices
12.1Challenges for distributors during the DBTL scheme rollout in India
12.2DBTL scheme’s impact on growth of sales for non-domestic and auto-LPG in India
6.1Fossil fuel subsidy debate in the United States: New York Times and Washington Post coverage
6.2Fossil fuel subsidy debate in the United Kingdom: Guardian and Independent coverage
6.3Fossil fuel subsidy debate in India: Hindu and Times of India coverage
6.4Fossil fuel subsidy debate in Indonesia: Kompas and Tempo coverage
6.5Fossil fuel subsidy debate in Denmark: Politiken and Jyllands-Posten coverage
13.2Subsidies to coal and electricity production in South Africa
14.1Examples of subsidies to coal extraction in Colombia by subsidy category
16.2Actors and frames in fuel subsidy reform debates in Trinidad and Tobago