Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2017
Dalapon (2,2-dichloropropionic acid) was applied as basally directed sprays to field grown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. var. Acala 4–42). Herbicidal rates of dalapon applied after heavy boll development (approximately 105 days after planting) were noninjurious; earlier applications appeared hazardous. Three or six pounds of dalapon per acre applied during early square or full flowering caused no noticeable injury symptoms but delayed maturity and reduced cotton yields in proportion to dosage. Analysis of eight seed and fiber properties showed no significant differences among treatments except for minor shifts attributable to dalapon-induced changes in maturity. Germination of seed from treated cotton was measurably retarded but final viability was not reduced. The retarding influence persisted for more than two years in storage. Accumulation of 8 to 21 ppm dalapon in the seeds was demonstrated by colorimetric and isotope dilution methods of analysis.