Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
Experiments were conducted to determine tobacco tolerance to CGA-362622 applied pretransplant (PRE-T) and postemergence (POST) to tobacco and applied the previous year preemergence (PRE) and POST to cotton. CGA-362622 applied at 3.75 or 7.5 g ai/ha PRE-T injured ‘K326’ flue-cured tobacco 1%, whereas POST treatments resulted in 4 to 5% injury. Tobacco injury was transient with no mid- or late-season injury noted. Tobacco yields from all CGA-362622 POST treatments were not different from the nontreated weed-free check. Tobacco treated with 7.5 g/ha CGA-362622 PRE-T yielded greater than nontreated weed-free tobacco or tobacco treated with CGA-362622 POST. When grown in rotation, tobacco was not injured, and yields were not influenced by CGA-362622 applied PRE or POST to cotton the previous year.